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The Great Tavern - NwN: EE Social/LFG Hub

bonebrahbonebrah Member Posts: 27
Come join the Great Tavern! It's a simple social server for meeting up with friends for OOC (or IC/RP if you want) interactions!

The reason I decided to set this up is because I feel like on a couple of occasions I've seen people asking if there was a "hub" to just meet up with people or look for other LFG players. I thought this was an appropriate solution!

Come on by, have a drink and meet some new friends!


  • icywind1980icywind1980 Member Posts: 11
    Got a link?
  • bonebrahbonebrah Member Posts: 27
    The server is up on the server list, in game. Unsure what kind of link you are asking for.
  • LottiLotti Member Posts: 66
    That is a large tavern, more like a beer hall.
    Imagine it being full with visitors...
  • icywind1980icywind1980 Member Posts: 11
    Oh it's a server! I thought it was an advertisement for yet another nwn discord lol
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