Darkness over Daggerford feedback ... spoiler alert
If this is not the right place to put feedback on DoD let me know where else to post it. I don't want to bash the mod but help its maintenance and to keep track of my feedback before I forget stuff. As I play through I will add updates.
1) initial battle was very tough for my dwarf ranger/rogue 4/4, some of the main friendly NPCs just ran around in circles instead of attacking for several rounds. I was killed 3 or 4 times before winning.
2) in the town of daggerford I stumbled into a red wizard. In the initial encounter I was killed so I reloaded my last save, walked up to the door to the red wizards location and resaved then entered to try again. This time the cut scene didnt run quite right - the text didnt appear properly and the cut scene never stopped - I had to exit the game to break out of the cut scene. I reloaded and tried a gain and this time it worked, I was able to kill the wiz but got no info from the encounter - I'm left wondering if I killed him too soon and maybe broke a plot.
3) I found a bunch of evil dwarves who quickly confessed their habit of robbing caravans - I ran from the place and they didnt follow. I went to the barracks to tell the Captains but neither had a convo option to give me the option of telling them about the dwarves. Ditto for the gate guards just outside the dwarf house. Seems to me there should have been.
4) I have a list of 6 incomplete quests now but can't get out of the town yet to pursue them. play seems very slow so far.
1) initial battle was very tough for my dwarf ranger/rogue 4/4, some of the main friendly NPCs just ran around in circles instead of attacking for several rounds. I was killed 3 or 4 times before winning.
2) in the town of daggerford I stumbled into a red wizard. In the initial encounter I was killed so I reloaded my last save, walked up to the door to the red wizards location and resaved then entered to try again. This time the cut scene didnt run quite right - the text didnt appear properly and the cut scene never stopped - I had to exit the game to break out of the cut scene. I reloaded and tried a gain and this time it worked, I was able to kill the wiz but got no info from the encounter - I'm left wondering if I killed him too soon and maybe broke a plot.
3) I found a bunch of evil dwarves who quickly confessed their habit of robbing caravans - I ran from the place and they didnt follow. I went to the barracks to tell the Captains but neither had a convo option to give me the option of telling them about the dwarves. Ditto for the gate guards just outside the dwarf house. Seems to me there should have been.
4) I have a list of 6 incomplete quests now but can't get out of the town yet to pursue them. play seems very slow so far.
Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated! I played no part in the original DoD, but was the sole scripter/developer for the EE version. To address your points :-
1) A couple of playtesters rated this battle as one of the harder ones neither I nor the Ossian tester never really found it to be too difficult. I even stood around with a mage on one occasion and did very little and still emerged relatively unscathed. Ultimately I added a level to a couple of the guards for a little extra help and left it as it was. Although if the major NPCs were running around without doing anything, that would have swung the balance against you. They do run around the battlefield, but maybe they were getting distracted by their targets dying, or switching targets - I've never witnessed them be anything other than 'helpful' though :-) I'm sure it's not the case, but make sure you don't have any haks that could be affecting any default behaviour.
2) No plot break here, it's just an 'encounter'. I'll check out the cutscene to see if I can recreate the problem you had, although all cutscenes use a generic system so it's probably not fundamentally flawed. Annoying for me on a personal level though! :-) Did the wizard appear? Did his conversation start?
3) That's a nice idea. The focus during dev was always 'fixing' and overhauling some of the 'metagame' stuff like skill checks and loot. That said, we made some minor 'world cohesion' changes where time and complexity allowed. I'll add this to a 'nice to do if we get the opportunity' list!
4) Let me know if you need any hint/spoiler to progress out of Daggerford. A few have commented they found the early stages 'slow' but that the pace picks up once you expand out of Daggerford. I think the problem here may be partly due to the initial 'Detained in Daggerford' quest being slightly unclear as to where you should specifically go. I suspect the original design intention may have been to ensure the PC explored Daggerford thoroughly and thereby picked up a good number of sidequests to pursue in the wider world. I'd appreciate further feedback (by you or any reader) as to whether the initial journal entry should specify/hint more strongly exactly where you should go to find out the key information to progress this quest.
Thanks again for the feedback, it's all welcome!
1) Nope, no haks added and nothing in override that could be the cause - just a little script of my own allowing me to open a merchant used for another mod.
2) The wizard appeard but he just stood there beside his quasit gesturing endlessly. The conversation - I dont think it did apppear that time. I remember the popup text didn't look quite right either - maybe some was missing or not positioned right.
After finishing a quest for M*something - the Millers tale -, I was viewing her inventory and then accidentally closed it before making my purchases and can no longer get her to let me view it - bummer.
If you killed the Miller, Maerovyna will initially let you view her store for 'quest completion' but it remains closed thereafter as she moves her focus to restoring the operation of the mill. There is the opportunity to open it again later in the game however. There are of course other merchants in Daggerford (Derval, Liam Sunmist, Stran) and a couple in Liam's Hold, plus a potential druidic option later in the game, so it shouldn't hinder you too much I hope. If you didn't kill the miller please PM me and you can send me your saved game and I'll endeavour to see what's happened and fix it for you :-)
Actually I didn't kill the miller but when he attacked me I thought that maybe had I picked other dialogue options I would have kept him calm and that if I keep him alive I might later be able to find a cure for him and so I ran away to avoid killing him, but when I got outside he followed me and one of the little dairy farmers killed him while I was bravely running away.
Tonight I put a modified baseitems.2da into the override but it does not take effect in my saved game, how can I get this mod to use it?
To make changes, you actually have to edit the 2da in the hak file. This is because the module makes an explicit request to load that particular hak, and no other files that might happen to be in the hk/hak folder. As previously mentioned, you need to do this in a way that preserves the changes that DoD makes to the base game.
Assuming there are no encryption issues (I haven't checked), what you have to do is
Is there a walkthrough that details the custom items? I tried opening my saved game in the editor so see them but it didn't work - it looked like the module was empty - should it have worked?
i found a bug in the EE of the module.
In Daggerford when the captain assign the quest with the wild elf and complete the quest you can do it again in the dialog. I don't know the right forum to signal the bug so i write here.
Best Regard and is a great module!!!