Thieving with good team and lawful leader.

How do you justyfy thievieng in good team especially if i am lawfull good char. Say is it resonable to say imoen sneak of inn at night to grab some loot but wouldnt lawfull good char forbid her to do or thieving in party at all?
I guess if you just can't play without various stolen magic items, you could "roleplay" that Imoen lied to you about it being stolen. It'd have to be an awfully good lie, though, to an awfully low intelligence paladin, and I don't think it really fits her character.
You'll have to fight it out on the bloody battlefield of your own conscience.
Balthazar is Lawful Good, yet he engages in lying, oppression, genocide, and neglecting his sworn duty as the protector of his village. Korgan is Chaotic Evil, and yet he pesters you about Tolgerias' contract if you neglect it, and is never tempted to betray the party for money/power/the lulz. If alignment is the most important thing about your character, than unless it's a Planescape character, that character is underwritten.
With the format of this game, there's a very real sense that you are the character you create at the start of the game, and all other party members are puppets completely subject to your will.
If this was an episode of One Piece for example, everybody would come into town, split up, go on a series of adventures following vastly different agendas before eventually converging into whatever larger quest the city offers. Lots of stuff would get lost in the shuffle. Somebody comes back with some trinket, maybe they bought it, maybe they stole it, maybe they helped some local who rewarded them with it, maybe they got into a brawl and killed its previous owner, you're ultimately gonna have to take their word on it.
That kind of gameplay is just a bit much though, when you're one man controlling up to six characters. You tend to move your crew around as a group. Treat them as a sort of hive mind that is always in full cooperation using each of their strengths to achieve your singular goal.
It works for me and Imoen has not broken into or stolen any thing since, so I guess she has learnt her lesson.
Edit: Back in my PnP days we (as players) didn't know what was in each others packs, only the DM knew exactly what was going on.