Kit or rule rebalancing found in the manuals?

With the release of the manuals, we know what has been changed:
I noticed that they kept the "shorty races" saving throw bonuses, which were in the BG manual but not implemented.
They deleted the Wisdom saving throw bonus to mind-affecting spells, which was in the BG manual but not implemented.
No kit changes that I could spot.
I know we want to stay as true to the source material as possible, but I was still disappointed. Game design has evolved a lot since the initial release, and we have more than a decade of play experience to draw upon.
I noticed that they kept the "shorty races" saving throw bonuses, which were in the BG manual but not implemented.
They deleted the Wisdom saving throw bonus to mind-affecting spells, which was in the BG manual but not implemented.
No kit changes that I could spot.
I know we want to stay as true to the source material as possible, but I was still disappointed. Game design has evolved a lot since the initial release, and we have more than a decade of play experience to draw upon.
Can someone confirm if it's in the game?