Dev "Guesstimation" Timeframe Between BG1:EE and BG2:EE ?

I'm hoping very much we might be able to get a dev "Guesstimation" on how long the wait will be between BG:EE and BG2:EE . I ask this with complete understanding that nothing can be set in stone this early. Having worked in the industry off and on for years I know things get pushed back and timeframes change internally all the time. I also understand there would be a lot of hesitation by the devs to even "guess" at a timeframe and mention it publicly so as not to get public expectation up on a certain date.
I'm one of the few who only used mods for BG1 to make sure my imported character from BG1 made it into BG2 with the exact same stats and items I had at the end of the first game. I wouldn't mind having a rough estimate of how many months (give or take a few either direction) there will be between BG1:EE and BG2:EE. If it's going to be quite some time I may end up using mods much more extensively in BG:EE.
As for the general player guesstimation do you think it will be less than a year from now? More than a year from now? I would like to hope for 6 months or less between BG:EE and BG2:EE, but the old beta tester in me says it'll take at least a year, maybe more. I did beta testing back in the day when companies still paid beta testers to test and players didn't pay for the chance to beta test games for the companies and then accept a buggy POS when it came out still having bugs in it that were found and reported multiple times during development.
How about it awesome dev team, any "guesstimation"? Anything at all would be enough to quell my curiosity at this point and give me an idea of how long I'll have to play (and re-play) BG:EE. As for almost all of us buying BG:EE, for myself picking up BG2:EE is Guaranteed. It's just a matter of time.
Thanks for any insights. One more day to go for BG:EE....CAN'T WAIT!!!
I'm one of the few who only used mods for BG1 to make sure my imported character from BG1 made it into BG2 with the exact same stats and items I had at the end of the first game. I wouldn't mind having a rough estimate of how many months (give or take a few either direction) there will be between BG1:EE and BG2:EE. If it's going to be quite some time I may end up using mods much more extensively in BG:EE.
As for the general player guesstimation do you think it will be less than a year from now? More than a year from now? I would like to hope for 6 months or less between BG:EE and BG2:EE, but the old beta tester in me says it'll take at least a year, maybe more. I did beta testing back in the day when companies still paid beta testers to test and players didn't pay for the chance to beta test games for the companies and then accept a buggy POS when it came out still having bugs in it that were found and reported multiple times during development.
How about it awesome dev team, any "guesstimation"? Anything at all would be enough to quell my curiosity at this point and give me an idea of how long I'll have to play (and re-play) BG:EE. As for almost all of us buying BG:EE, for myself picking up BG2:EE is Guaranteed. It's just a matter of time.

Thanks for any insights. One more day to go for BG:EE....CAN'T WAIT!!!
“The instant Baldur’s Gate is completed most of our team is ready to start work on [it], with a couple holding back to continue to add features and support the fans,” he said. “We’re planning on shipping [it] in 2013, hopefully before the end of summer.’s-gate-2-enhanced-edition-should-ship-before-the-end-of-summer-2013/