Sorcerer Bonus Spells and Polymorph

If sorcerers have gear that give them extra spells, they lose a bunch upon casting polymorph due to the items being unequipped. Any way to make it so this doesn't happen?
then spawn PC Widget Tool using following commands into console
DebugMode 1
dm_spawnitem 70_pcwidget
then use the item and in the conversation menu choose the option 72_POLYMORPH_MERGE_CASTING_ABILITY
without this your only option is to cast maximized Eagle Splendor before polymorphing, that won't help 100% but will at least protect some of the bonus spells from charisma
Also note that this only helps against losing bonus spell uses/slots from casting ability. Bonus spell uses/slots gained from items with Bonus Spell Slot property will be always lost.
If we could script it way back when to work like that, I imagine that the devs working on the game today could come up with an even better solution such as taking some sort of snapshot of the caster's spell slots/spells prepared/spells unused prior to the shift and restoring the spells exactly as they were upon ending the shift without using using the merging method we did on my server.