Anyone for CppCon?

in Off-Topic
I occasionally see quite technical comments sneaking into discussions, so wondering if anyone here plans to attend CppCon in Bellevue. Washington (USA) this September?
In particular, it might be an interesting place for Beamdog to scope out potential new hires
Unfortunately, it always seems to fall close to the Edmonton Expo, so not sure of the chances of getting anyone to escape in time.
Although I would /love/ to see a talk about the trials, tribulations, and lessons that arise from taking an ancient 32-bit gaming codebase from 2 decades ago and pulling it kicking and screaming into a modern cross-platform 64-bit world. Maybe next year? hint hint... (submissions have closed for this year)
In particular, it might be an interesting place for Beamdog to scope out potential new hires

Although I would /love/ to see a talk about the trials, tribulations, and lessons that arise from taking an ancient 32-bit gaming codebase from 2 decades ago and pulling it kicking and screaming into a modern cross-platform 64-bit world. Maybe next year? hint hint... (submissions have closed for this year)