New armor models?

I just got totally blindsided and bowled over when I started an OC run today, with my Steam NWN:EE set to automatically update, and it looks like the armor models have been tweaked.
I've got two screenshots of studded leather, and I've seen half-plate, but couldn't get a screen shot to work just yet. I will post more screenshots of the new armor models as I put them on my cleric-fighter.
Any help getting screenshots of new models posted in this thread would be greatly appreciated.
Gone are the clunky waists and bell-shaped unflattering figures for males!
Here are the new studded leather models on my male character:

I've got two screenshots of studded leather, and I've seen half-plate, but couldn't get a screen shot to work just yet. I will post more screenshots of the new armor models as I put them on my cleric-fighter.
Any help getting screenshots of new models posted in this thread would be greatly appreciated.
Gone are the clunky waists and bell-shaped unflattering figures for males!
Here are the new studded leather models on my male character:

Post edited by BelgarathMTH on
Splint mail from the skeleton room. The main differences in chain and splint seem to be around the waist and legs, and a slightly less bulky chestplate. It takes a sharp eye for detail to see some of the differences from the original models. I'm seeing so many things that look enhanced all of a sudden, I'm starting to wonder if I'm just imagining things. :shrug:
What you might be noticing is the new sharpen effect in the new patch.
I still like the look better, if that's what's happening. I remembered later that you could do some of these appearance tweaks using the armor crafting radial menu.
Switching body model will fix it until the next empty space then it bugs out again.
I switched to an old version I had on my server until the issue is resolved as It was making it next to impossible to finish my clothing hak.