Darkest Hour [Open Beta]

Darkest Hour goes live today to the public.
Darkest Hour is a Zombie Survival rework of Dark Hour (2008 & 2016). Differing from predecessors, this iteration of DH has had every last script and system completely wiped and rewritten from scratch. New disease, new systems, new crafting, new AI and new plans for future content.
Feel free to stop by Discord if you have any questions.
This module has one tiny hakpak available on Steam or here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5e07svscioftnef/darkestshour.hak?dl=0
Darkest Hour is a Zombie Survival rework of Dark Hour (2008 & 2016). Differing from predecessors, this iteration of DH has had every last script and system completely wiped and rewritten from scratch. New disease, new systems, new crafting, new AI and new plans for future content.
Feel free to stop by Discord if you have any questions.
This module has one tiny hakpak available on Steam or here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5e07svscioftnef/darkestshour.hak?dl=0