[BG:EE] New Weapons

Some people have stated that there will likely be new weaponry available in BG:EE, and I was hoping to put together a comprehensive list of all new available weapons, and links as to the authenticity of such claims.
Clubs have been suggested, as there is only one Club+1 in the original Baldur's Gate. (It appears to be unattainable, however.) Others may be planned, but knowledge on the subject is vague.
Having new data on the possibility of such arms could very well have an impact on many people's ideas on what character to start as, or proficiencies to train in.
Clubs have been suggested, as there is only one Club+1 in the original Baldur's Gate. (It appears to be unattainable, however.) Others may be planned, but knowledge on the subject is vague.
Having new data on the possibility of such arms could very well have an impact on many people's ideas on what character to start as, or proficiencies to train in.
You might want to go ahead and format a post with the different weapon categories so you can edit them to update a list with new entries as they come in. That would be a good springboard into an updated guide or a wiki or something.
I did not mean to infer any deception as to break a Non-Disclosure-Agreement, however, many people are trying to glean as much information as possible as to the creation of a PC. It was my hope that the data on weaponry would be shared.
I would be happy with a simple message of, "Yes, we are implementing new [Flails], [Clubs], [etc.]" There are some proficiencies that seem redundant for any purpose other than role-playing.
Thank you for your support, however! Hopefully, in the days, (hours?) to come, we will have more information available, pre-launch.