It seems that the iPad version is delayed... :(

From Trent's Twitter:
“@TrentOster: iOS build had a game-stopper bug. With current estimate for app store approval, that puts us into next week. We're doing all we can.”
So disappointed....
“@TrentOster: iOS build had a game-stopper bug. With current estimate for app store approval, that puts us into next week. We're doing all we can.”
So disappointed....

Though, sorry for the delay, I hop it won't last too long before you can play with it.
Many is just not frequenting this site, but are instead regulars on iOS-centric sites like and the likes.
But of course there's more pc users as of right now. After hopefully positive reviews of the iPad version, I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of users on iOS will multiply many times over..
I've pre-ordered the pc version many months ago, but I'm still very disappointed that it's delayed for iOS...
To be honest, it was always expected that that would be some sort of gap between the multiple releases.
If the bug hadn't been there, the game likely would have been out on iOS before the pc, as the game was already approved before they found the bug.
Apple releases apps according to New Zealand time zone which on the 28 Nov. is 19 hours earlier than the planned time of release on the PC.
The PC version has a big advantage because it can be patched right up to the last minute.