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Self-created Group Bug?

Hello there !

It would be great to get an answer for the following issue:

I always played BG with a self-created group. But I also want to solve all side quests of the "NPC-Party-Members" . For instant Valygar (alive :-P) > Planar Sphere. And here it comes, the problem I have is:

I can't "park" my self-created chars to pick them up at another time. -.-
They always will leave the group and go away... If this issue still exists pls fix it in gerneral.
Or is there a solution I still have not considered??? The change to stone - spell ( I dunno the right name of the spell atm) doesn't works because after dispelling the char will be hostile.

Greetings from Germany


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I think problems like this were fixed in later patches. I'd try doenloading the latest patch for your game, or just waiting for bgee to be released.
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    wouldn't exporting them and then importing them when you want them back be a solution?
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 77
    Danny said:

    Or is there a solution I still have not considered???

    Dang it the heck yes you're right!
    It would be a soul-destroying interruption but indeed it is a sloution.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    iirc in the tweakpack there seemed to be an option for exactly this kind of thing - it added dialog options for self-created characters.

    though if you're going this way, I'd still use lvl1 npcs mod, and modify existing party members to suit your needs - more fun that way.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    That the same thing for bg1 in fact.

    It would be great if we can just leave npcs in an Inn or something like that to complete the quest of someone else and then have the opportunity to pick them up again.

    Why all this drama?

    -You leave me so I hate you and I’m leaving for good!

    Hm, no, in fact Imoen would love to stay 2-3 days in an Inn and take 4 hours bath every evening. Kagain would love to stay in an Inn and drink all he can for 2 weeks until you came back with more promises of fortune. Xzar and montaron would love to create a little circus in the middle of nowhere and express their insanity for a while until you came back.

    Why not just add a little function, when the npc’s quest is done, he ‘stay with you’ no matter what. So you can leave him in any inn with some golds in is pocket and pick him up again when you need him.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    @Twilight_Fox: they only leave if your reputation doesn't match their alignment, so if you're a goody two-shoes, Imoen/Coran/etc will wait for you, and the same goes for Xzar/Monty/Edwin if your rep is low.

    alternatively, there is an option in tweak pack to stop 'em from complaining about reputation, and that also means they won't leave you forever if you kick 'em out of the party - everyone will nicely wait for you.
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    I did that as well but I seem to recall being able to leave my self created party members somewhere (I think the Friendly Arm Inn) and being able to go back and get them once I finished the NPC's quests. Then again maybe I just created 5 characters and left 1 space open to NPC's to join me and them I could indeed leave somewhere and retrieve them later.
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 77
    If this is will be the only solution we can't avoid the reset of the current statistic about kills and spent time in party. I would prefer another solution. ^^
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2012
    @Danny, apparently the tweak pack will work with BGEE, and looky here (, there is an option for just what you want, called Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues.
    Post edited by DinsdalePiranha on
  • BamBam Member Posts: 38
    I always leave them in a house or something, and return later to get them. If you kick them out and they can't finish their speech, they wont go away. You can then return and say it was a mistake and pick them up again.
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 77
    @ Dinsdale Piranha & Bam thank you. :-)
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