Orb of Abrogation has Returned!

The roleplay/ovp factional blended server has returned. It has been in beta form, but this Friday, July the 24th, the beta period ends.
A few things have changed. It uses Project Q, among other custom hak paks, updating it with NWN custom content through 2018. (Download available on on Steam)
It is now on the world of Toril, within the Great Sea.
Some of its features include:
--Level 20 cap, pure class characters gain access to bonus epic feats at level 20.
-- 2 handed weapons apply the 1.5 strength modifier to attack bonus also, instead of just damage
--Deity Rating system that lets you donate to your deity, boosting your characters power and utility through assorted wards and buffs while in combat.
-- Bank Vaults and City Treasuries which players can actually rob.
-- Coming soon - Crafting system which can also be trained up in level (Similar to Ravenloft: Prisoner of the Mist)
-- No limit to the amount of times you can die/respawn
-- CTF Arena, PVP arena, both of which have no xp loss
-- Dungeon Master's Guide style Loot Tables
-- Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum coins
-- Generally speaking, it is a +5 item server
Hope to see you there!
A few things have changed. It uses Project Q, among other custom hak paks, updating it with NWN custom content through 2018. (Download available on on Steam)
It is now on the world of Toril, within the Great Sea.
Some of its features include:
--Level 20 cap, pure class characters gain access to bonus epic feats at level 20.
-- 2 handed weapons apply the 1.5 strength modifier to attack bonus also, instead of just damage
--Deity Rating system that lets you donate to your deity, boosting your characters power and utility through assorted wards and buffs while in combat.
-- Bank Vaults and City Treasuries which players can actually rob.
-- Coming soon - Crafting system which can also be trained up in level (Similar to Ravenloft: Prisoner of the Mist)
-- No limit to the amount of times you can die/respawn
-- CTF Arena, PVP arena, both of which have no xp loss
-- Dungeon Master's Guide style Loot Tables
-- Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum coins
-- Generally speaking, it is a +5 item server
Hope to see you there!