Large Haks and NWN user folder in Documents

I think that locating user folder wasn't a good idea. Many of the PC players have a SD disk for system and SD disks doesn't have much space on them.
From this reason Documents folder is unsuitable for players. Afterall my old hak folder had 30GB size, just CEP2 is over 5gb. And many PWs such as Sinfar have haks that takes up much more space than that.
It was reported to me from a builder of a PW that attempted to move onto NWN:EE, but their haks have 20GB total and many of their players have no space on C: drive.
Is there secondary location for haks? If not, is there anything we can do about this issue?
From this reason Documents folder is unsuitable for players. Afterall my old hak folder had 30GB size, just CEP2 is over 5gb. And many PWs such as Sinfar have haks that takes up much more space than that.
It was reported to me from a builder of a PW that attempted to move onto NWN:EE, but their haks have 20GB total and many of their players have no space on C: drive.
Is there secondary location for haks? If not, is there anything we can do about this issue?
I think what we need is the ability to locate the NWN user folder to wherever we like prefferably during installation.
The "Documents" and NWNee alias stuff is clumsy - I filed a RedMine ticket on it back in December but I think we ended up just chalking the whole thing up to "it's confusing, but can work". I think the part that confused me was that the .ini file must live in my Documents folder, even if nothing else does (IIRC, YMMV). I was trying to stick the thing in the bin dir or something like that.