Looking for a Scripter

The NWN Dark Sun Team is looking for someone that would have the time to join our team and help with smaller scripts. We don’t care if your just starting out or have years of experience. We know and understand everyone has to start somewhere, we all are new to something at some point in time. We don’t need large system scripts at this time.
We currently have somethings in place already.
HRC2 Framwork – Takes care of Food, Water, Fatigue, Rest, and Death scripts. It also makes very good use of Module and Area Variables
NESS – Deals with spawning encounters
ASG Spawn Kit – Also deals with spawning encounters
We currently don’t want a player crafting system so no need to worry about that.
Once a script is made we should be able to plug it in where its needed within our module.
There for we mostly need smaller scripts to do things we want done to make the world feel more like Dark Sun. Scripts could be created in NWN without any haks or anything, then sent to us and we could plug them in and get them working.
So don’t be afriad to help if you are just learning, we just want someone who really wants to learn scripting and has the time to do it.

That said we do have someone working on server side scripts for things like server/NWNX, instances, banks, and some other things.
We really could use someone to help with in game scripts, it would be nice to have a head scripter/coder for this project. I'm heading up the whole thing dealing with people who are working in different areas.
- Totally New Player Character Models = We have one working on this full time with a little help from one other person.
- Creatures = We have one working on this full time and a little help from two others.
- Tilesets = I'm working on the Tileset with a little help here and there from a few people.
- Writer = We currently have 2 people working on writing stories/adventures
- Scripts/Coders = We have someone working on server side scripts and have had a little help here or there from a few people.
If you would like to join the project join us on Discord https://discord.gg/kJnYXm
- Six 3D model creators
- Seven Writers
- Two Scripters we (could use more help hear if anyone is interested in working with a very Large NWN team in you free time.
We have a very nice project in the works and we have a very nice core team working on it. That said we could use more help with scripting. We did get someone to join us who is helping in their free time but we could use some more help it anyone is interested in helping with a large project like ours.
NWN Dark Sun
You can check some of our work out on our Twitter page. https://twitter.com/NwnDarkSun
We all hang out, talk, help each other, share ideas, and screenshot on our discord channel.
If you or anyone you know would like to help just contact me.
Thanks for you time.
I just wanted to update this by saying we are always looking for scripters/coders who would like to help work on our project. If anyone is interested just get in touch with me. We have a nice core team of people working on this project some only work on it a few hours a month while others of us work on it just about every day. We talk, share files, screenshots, and ideas, while working on the project over Discord.
You can also follow us on Twitter where we are slowly building a following. https://twitter.com/NwnDarkSun
Thanks for your time.