[Linux] Need your input about hardware mouse cursor

Hi all, I have a favor to ask. There was a report of the HW mouse cursors looking wrong on some Linux systems, but it is kinda hard to figure out what the cause is.
So, if I could trouble you to go to your ~/.local/share/Neverwinter Nights/nwn.ini file, and under [Video Options] change:
Then start the game and check if there's anything obviously wrong with it - you'll know it if it is wrong. Just post here (or send me a PM if you prefer) about your Distro and version, which GPU you have (and driver/version), and whether the cursor is okay or not.
Thank you!
By the way, if you were having issues with 2x scaling showing the cursor off target, enabling HW mouse should fix it.
So, if I could trouble you to go to your ~/.local/share/Neverwinter Nights/nwn.ini file, and under [Video Options] change:
Enable HardwareMouse=1
Then start the game and check if there's anything obviously wrong with it - you'll know it if it is wrong. Just post here (or send me a PM if you prefer) about your Distro and version, which GPU you have (and driver/version), and whether the cursor is okay or not.
Thank you!
By the way, if you were having issues with 2x scaling showing the cursor off target, enabling HW mouse should fix it.