Lucubrations about party and Tank spot =)

Hello Fellas
the release is coming and i want to share my lucubrations of an afternoon @work =DD
My party is almost decided, i care more about fun and my personal gameplay style then pure raw power and min maxing, anyway i have enough experience to know that this gonna be a solid party.
I will pregenerate 4 char and leave 2 slots for NPG with relative quest diaalogue etc. etc.
Main char: skald crossbow user (xbow of speed), high char main is always good, bards are amazing support class and the skald song is pure doping for heavily melee party
Half orc fighter/cleric: 19 str, dual welding hammer, a couple of buff, skald song and he will delete every form of life from the sword coast =D
Elf Fighter/thief: 19 dex, bow user. Enough of backstabbing, just traps and solid archery.... not great feeling about him but is necessary (alternative suggestions very welcome)
Dorn : new evil npc, cool story probably, new class, 2h greatwsord mofo
Edwin: best mage in the game, i never killed Dynaheir ... =D
Here we go about the last slot... for the tank.
What i would like is use a shield and the sword and shield style, the are both crappy i know ...but in bg1 overall they can be decent considering the deadly archery system
Then i would say that kill again that ***** of dritzz and use his +2 ac scimitar is mandatory =D
First and better choice that come to my mind is good old F/M.
But I was looking somthing different. I played half milion of ELF fighter/mage or human kensai dual to mage, dual welding katanas or scimitar... awesome DPS/TANK/EVERYTHING sure, but i think is enough. Besides in bg1 a f/m dw char. gonna be a very weak tank for all the first part of the game (lets say untill he get mirror image twice a day)
Let go with the options so:
Gnome fighter/illusionist
solid choice, can achive 18 con and get bonus saves for high con, 19 int, 1 extra spell per day that at low level is very good... besides i never played this little pathetic race, so maybe now that im and old man im ready to roll an eveil little gnome =D
Human berserker3/mage
dual classing in bg1 is sick and painfull, so dual at lvl 3 is the only "not pain in the ass" way to enjoi the game for all his lenght (alternative suggestions very welcome about this point)
I will get 3 point in scimitar insted of 2, so +2 to hit and +1 to damge that is nice, plus a nice combat buff and immunity to some nasty shit once per day think is worhty/decent? mhhh dont really know
would be so nice, i never tried one and i think can be a funny tank. But no good align for druids so no drittzz scimitar... thats sux.
???? what else =D
Thanks for reading and please feel free to give some alternative/hints/ideas for the tank or about anything else =D
the release is coming and i want to share my lucubrations of an afternoon @work =DD
My party is almost decided, i care more about fun and my personal gameplay style then pure raw power and min maxing, anyway i have enough experience to know that this gonna be a solid party.
I will pregenerate 4 char and leave 2 slots for NPG with relative quest diaalogue etc. etc.
Main char: skald crossbow user (xbow of speed), high char main is always good, bards are amazing support class and the skald song is pure doping for heavily melee party
Half orc fighter/cleric: 19 str, dual welding hammer, a couple of buff, skald song and he will delete every form of life from the sword coast =D
Elf Fighter/thief: 19 dex, bow user. Enough of backstabbing, just traps and solid archery.... not great feeling about him but is necessary (alternative suggestions very welcome)
Dorn : new evil npc, cool story probably, new class, 2h greatwsord mofo
Edwin: best mage in the game, i never killed Dynaheir ... =D
Here we go about the last slot... for the tank.
What i would like is use a shield and the sword and shield style, the are both crappy i know ...but in bg1 overall they can be decent considering the deadly archery system
Then i would say that kill again that ***** of dritzz and use his +2 ac scimitar is mandatory =D
First and better choice that come to my mind is good old F/M.
But I was looking somthing different. I played half milion of ELF fighter/mage or human kensai dual to mage, dual welding katanas or scimitar... awesome DPS/TANK/EVERYTHING sure, but i think is enough. Besides in bg1 a f/m dw char. gonna be a very weak tank for all the first part of the game (lets say untill he get mirror image twice a day)
Let go with the options so:
Gnome fighter/illusionist
solid choice, can achive 18 con and get bonus saves for high con, 19 int, 1 extra spell per day that at low level is very good... besides i never played this little pathetic race, so maybe now that im and old man im ready to roll an eveil little gnome =D
Human berserker3/mage
dual classing in bg1 is sick and painfull, so dual at lvl 3 is the only "not pain in the ass" way to enjoi the game for all his lenght (alternative suggestions very welcome about this point)
I will get 3 point in scimitar insted of 2, so +2 to hit and +1 to damge that is nice, plus a nice combat buff and immunity to some nasty shit once per day think is worhty/decent? mhhh dont really know
would be so nice, i never tried one and i think can be a funny tank. But no good align for druids so no drittzz scimitar... thats sux.
???? what else =D
Thanks for reading and please feel free to give some alternative/hints/ideas for the tank or about anything else =D
Berserker/Mage sounds interesting, much as I share your distaste for dual-classing.
I like the *idea* of having a Skald in my party, though worry about the potential disengaged feeling of CHARNAME just standing in the wings for most battles, or am I missing something? e.g. Does bard song "linger" for a while after you stop playing it, allowing you to occassionally shoot your crossbow or cast a spell before resuming, or does Bard song just stop abrutly?
I tested the skald song in BG2, first of all have a shorter range then standard bard song and then yes, take a little while to start the effect and linger for a little while when u perform any action.
Yeah probably will be a very static character, singing and buffing most of the time, that expensive wepaon will be a luxury u are right... i will think about it.
Although i would love a pala tank, im going to play an evil party so he will loose his status very soon.
Finally, i know that the concept of tank is not that clear in BG, but still a 2hander or a dualw doesnt really fit my idea of tank and they are both (probably) gonna be bishotted by the bandit archers =D
But alas, it is not about dildos so I am dissapoint.