Looking for reviews about these big mods

in BG:EE Mods
Dark side of the sword coast
Northen tales of the sword coast
Secret of Bonehill
Drizzt saga
The vault
The grey clan
Ascalon questpack
Northen tales of the sword coast
Secret of Bonehill
Drizzt saga
The vault
The grey clan
Ascalon questpack
My only gripe is the loot/exp, which is much too generous. Eg a thief you need to kill could just be given a fighter multiclass and be a challenge to your party, but they are fully equipped with BG2 gear which makes your party much too powerful post nashkel. Items like the belt of hill giant strength would also be much too powerful if I weren't using alternate rules which made it only +2 strength.
After I played through it I used EEKeeper to remove 10000gp , 3000 XP and items to keep the game fun.