item request
I have a request from the community. I am having issue with applying certain effects on my pc when taking my custom ninja class so I decided to apply the same effects using a token the pc carries. I am unable to not overpower this item, the curse of having too much access in the toolset.
the plan is to create a feat for every rank of the class which will be given to the pc when they reach a certain level. the feat will then run a spell script once that will create an item on the player to signify their rank in the class, the premade item will grant the player with all the benefits of that rank as well as the previous ranks. doing all this hasn't been an issue.
what I need is balance, in testing I feel the powers granted by the token make the player overpowered for her level.
so, the class I am making is ninja and before anyone jumps on me that it's been done, I am aware but every instance I've found grants the ninja some sort of magical ability which is, in my opinion, nonsense. the ninja is the master of stealth, deceit, and assassination... the class ought to focus on that...
I have created items in the toolset to imitate these magical abilities and stripped the spells from the class. I refer to things like ghost step which is essentially a form of invisibility. there are potions of invisibility so this is not needed. so on, so forth
what I have done is created a token for each rank of ninja, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30... these tokens need to apply certain benefits onto the ninja. as an example, the first rank token, Novice Ninja Token, simply gives the bonus feat alertness and +1 save and that's all; each subsequent token increases the save +1 and I want to add other things but need to keep it toned down some
so, anyone want to make suggestions for each level token keeping in mind that each level will carry all the benefits of the token before it...
oh, yes, I created a special item in baseitems called ninjatokens for these and gave them the possibility of increasing the players dodge AC
this eliminates my problem with having a magical class ninja and pushing all the magic onto a powerful artifact he carries (the item is marked plot and cursed in the toolset to prevent selling or dropping)
last thing: I was going to add the cast spell: darkness as a property, but instead made darkness grenades he can throw; the second level token will give her immunity to the darkness spells (but I don't think Bioware implemented the immunity correctly and I cannot script well enough to remedy)
the plan is to create a feat for every rank of the class which will be given to the pc when they reach a certain level. the feat will then run a spell script once that will create an item on the player to signify their rank in the class, the premade item will grant the player with all the benefits of that rank as well as the previous ranks. doing all this hasn't been an issue.
what I need is balance, in testing I feel the powers granted by the token make the player overpowered for her level.
so, the class I am making is ninja and before anyone jumps on me that it's been done, I am aware but every instance I've found grants the ninja some sort of magical ability which is, in my opinion, nonsense. the ninja is the master of stealth, deceit, and assassination... the class ought to focus on that...
I have created items in the toolset to imitate these magical abilities and stripped the spells from the class. I refer to things like ghost step which is essentially a form of invisibility. there are potions of invisibility so this is not needed. so on, so forth
what I have done is created a token for each rank of ninja, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30... these tokens need to apply certain benefits onto the ninja. as an example, the first rank token, Novice Ninja Token, simply gives the bonus feat alertness and +1 save and that's all; each subsequent token increases the save +1 and I want to add other things but need to keep it toned down some
so, anyone want to make suggestions for each level token keeping in mind that each level will carry all the benefits of the token before it...
oh, yes, I created a special item in baseitems called ninjatokens for these and gave them the possibility of increasing the players dodge AC
this eliminates my problem with having a magical class ninja and pushing all the magic onto a powerful artifact he carries (the item is marked plot and cursed in the toolset to prevent selling or dropping)
last thing: I was going to add the cast spell: darkness as a property, but instead made darkness grenades he can throw; the second level token will give her immunity to the darkness spells (but I don't think Bioware implemented the immunity correctly and I cannot script well enough to remedy)
thanks a mil
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Its all good. I'll either figure it out myself or discard the idea.
and, thanks
game even gives the character a token at first level. then gives 2 at fifth and 3 at tenth and so on... no idea why this is happening and my scripting ought to prevent it but something is doing multiple calls to my script after leveling and somehow bypassing my 'do this only once' variable checks...
besides, the ring idea grew on me and now that it's fully working as intended, why change it; its not like the player will ever find a better ring in game
FWIW, I rather found adding custom feats to be overall more complex and confusing than adding stuff to the default module event scripts. Since you managed to get those feats working, I think you won't have trouble learning the ropes of the module events, either. :-) Don't let not knowing how something works yet discourage you from figuring it out. LB's made a bunch of valuable points here. I recommend not swiping them away without a second thought; they'll be useful in the future.
Anyway, I'm out of here. I'll find a forum where people aren't wrongfully berated for nonsensical issues.
It's easy to read that kind of thing as "This person is completely unnecessarily criticizing me, how rude!!" (I know I've been there), but that just leaves optimization-people confused because their thought process was actually along the lines of "Hello - allied - unit - your - methods - are - suboptimal - I - will - participate - in - optimizing - your - methods - boop" (i.e., being pragmatically helpful, therefore being friendly). Or, worse, it makes them unhappy and affronted themselves, 'cuz they actually aren't robots either, but people, who get antsy and ornery like anyone else does, and may start thinking that other people aren't worth the effort of trying to help them - or, worse still, they start thinking that there's something wrong with them and start trying to fundamentally change what they are (imagine defaulting to trying to optimize yourself when what you're trying to optimize away is your drive to optimize things. Certain doom!). Giving people who try to help improve things experiences of disregard and discouragement is pretty much just always a bad idea for absolutely everyone, everywhere. Didn't wanna let LB stand alone getting frustrated while trying to help. ^^' I did not intend to step on your feet in a rude way with that mini-lecture back there, though.
I'm sorry that I've given you cause to feel uncomfortable, and I'm quite sure that you are welcome here. I wouldn't take small squabbles like this one too hard, in general; people argue over all kinds of things, and it takes time to get to know someone well enough to know when they are or aren't being purposely antagonistic. People in a habitual "OPTIMIZE EVERYTHING!"-loop with one another make for a pretty brash welcome team (more likely than not, no "hello" whatsoever, but a three-page document listing everything that's wrong with your code instead...), but they're awesome to have around once you get to a point where you've got things that need (ba-dumm-tss)... optimizing.
You're very welcome to stop by the Vault for scripting or CC questions, too. :-) Zero chance of no nonsense, ever, as long as there's people involved (we are the ultimate nonsense species!), but we do like to solve CC problems.