I waited for plenty of digital releases. Never did I get it midnight in my timezone. It just doesn't happen, we gotta wait for the developers' time zone's midday (which in most cases means the most Western and therefore latest timezone. Thanks America, we love you!)
In this case it's 1 PM, but it doesn't change much. It's less than 24 hours, we've been waiting for 14 years now. Pick your poison!
I waited for plenty of digital releases. Never did I get it midnight in my timezone. It just doesn't happen, we gotta wait for the developers' time zone's midday (which in most cases means the most Western and therefore latest timezone. Thanks America, we love you!)
In this case it's 1 PM, but it doesn't change much. It's less than 24 hours, we've been waiting for 14 years now. Pick your poison!
Actually many releases do a midnight launch these days. Mass Effect 3 & Deus Ex:HR were both at 12 AM EST, Diablo 3 12 AM PST, same for Left4Dead 1 & 2.
However, since Beamdog is smaller then Valve , Blizzard or EA, it's probably best they launch during the middle of the day when everyone isn't home and at their computers. Should keep all of us from killing Beamdog's servers.
I waited for plenty of digital releases. Never did I get it midnight in my timezone. It just doesn't happen, we gotta wait for the developers' time zone's midday (which in most cases means the most Western and therefore latest timezone. Thanks America, we love you!)
In this case it's 1 PM, but it doesn't change much. It's less than 24 hours, we've been waiting for 14 years now. Pick your poison!
Actually many releases do a midnight launch these days. Mass Effect 3 & Deus Ex:HR were both at 12 AM EST, Diablo 3 12 AM PST, same for Left4Dead 1 & 2.
However, since Beamdog is smaller then Valve , Blizzard or EA, it's probably best they launch during the middle of the day when everyone isn't home and at their computers. Should keep all of us from killing Beamdog's servers.
Actually many releases do a midnight launch these days. Mass Effect 3 & Deus Ex:HR were both at 12 AM EST, Diablo 3 12 AM PST, same for Left4Dead 1 & 2.
However, since Beamdog is smaller then Valve , Blizzard or EA, it's probably best they launch during the middle of the day when everyone isn't home and at their computers. Should keep all of us from killing Beamdog's servers.
Yes but at midday in US, we in Europe will have 8-9PM. So servers will still be busy. What can I say - this is like only US is important. Relase on 28th ( I will get it 3hour before end of the day) - something is wrong.
Probably because they want all hands on deck for the launch to go smoothly. 1PM (noon here in BC )is a pretty good time, it means they have all the morning to get everything in order, and all night if something goes wrong.
Americans. Won't even bother to tell the time because it's OBVIOUS that it'll come out at night, right? I'm gonna pound their wits to kilograms one day, I tell you!
In this case it's 1 PM, but it doesn't change much. It's less than 24 hours, we've been waiting for 14 years now. Pick your poison!
However, since Beamdog is smaller then Valve , Blizzard or EA, it's probably best they launch during the middle of the day when everyone isn't home and at their computers. Should keep all of us from killing Beamdog's servers.