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Fighter makes the game too easy

Question2Question2 Member Posts: 74
I have a level 20+ party in BG 2 and fighters feel overpowered. If you dual wield belm + something else, you can hit 5 attacks before buffs and average 100+ damage per round. If your PC is a fighter, he can use holy might to bump his strength to 25 easily.

Im not even bothering to cast any spells in battles, my fighter just slaughters everything, Firkaarg died in 2 rounds...(i wasnt level 20+ at that point but it didnt matter)

The only thing that doesnt die fast are admantanium golems with their 90% resist, but they cant hurt my fighter so its just a matter of waiting till it dies.

The dwarven saving throw bonus also makes you immune to pretty much any spell that allows a saving throw, enrage makes you immune to stuff like imprisonment/maze that dont allow saving throws and direct damage spells cant do enough damage before the fighter chews through a mage's protection.

Pretty much every lich fight goes like this :

1. Fighter facetanks lich while waiting for combat protections to wear off

2. Fighter damages lich to 50% where the second set of combat protections activate

3. Fighter facetanks lich while waiting for combat protections to wear off again

4. Lich dies

There is zero strategy or preparation needed.


  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    Install SCS then come back and update us, the standard AI for mages is terrible, SCS AI is way way better and some of the options such as giving high level enemy mages HLA's are so OP it's insane. With SCS i am genuinely concerned every time i see a Lich (and i don't have HLA's for them turned on) and if i can't kill a mage via Backstab then i need to be careful.

    I actually got killed by the Ogre Mage the Djinni summons in the room in Irenicus' Dungeon (i used SCS's option to enhance various spell casting monsters, Djinn, Demons etc) when it used charm person on me and i failed my save. That was an eye opener for SCS lmao.
  • Question2Question2 Member Posts: 74
    Its not just mage fights...My fighter just killed Saladrex by himself. Rest of the party stood at the entrance except for Edwin who's only contribution was to cast Breach to remove the dragon's stoneskin.

    I didnt even use any HLAs.
  • borntodieborntodie Member Posts: 199
    Question2 said:


    Oh, you are talking about a berserker. To be fair, enrage is a major reason they are overpowered. It protects them from so many bad things.

    Try a plain fighter next time.. you will see they are far more vulnerable. Perhaps this will be more fun for you.

    And trying SCS will also help - I think it will make all battles with spellcasters more difficult, not just mages but also including dragons, liches and more.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,087
    If the game seems too easy for you, there are many ways to change that. Increasing difficulty level (what level are you currently playing at?) and installing full SCS + Ascension are the most common ones (the final Ascension battle is anything but easy), but the possibilities are endless; People do challenge runs all the time (such as no reloads, randomly generated characters, poverty (no items), no consumables etc.), and there are many more mods which add truly difficult encounters.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I mean Beserker is one of the most stupid, overpowered garbage in the game. Play any other fighter and see how well you "facetank" anything that can cast spells.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    Berserker rage is other incompetent decision of the original authors. Like bows enchantment to hit system. Or bad designed high level mage, cleric spells. Rushed hla for certain classes.
  • Question2Question2 Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018
    A level 20 fighter has like...150+ hp? Dwarven race pushes you to negative saving throws easily. So the only way for a mage to counter him is to use something cheesy that bypasses MR/Saves like imprisonment.

    And when you can kill a dragon in two rounds...its kind of ridiculous...I pretty much breezed through watcher's keep without even trying.
  • borntodieborntodie Member Posts: 199
    Other classes become OP at level 20 as well. A level 20 mage is practically a god if played well. But you start at level 8.. People suggested plenty of ways to make the journey from Irenicus dungeon harder and more interesting. What difficulty are you playing? Core rules?
  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    Yeah i used to play LOB Mode, then i found SCS and managed to get it installed with some other mods (thanks to EE-Mod-Setup tool), now i can't go past Insane when solo, even there i get rekt by many spellcaster related encounters if i don't optimize strategy. I took a newly created Barbarian i planned to dual to mage and figured i'd grab daystar, well, i grabbed daystar all right, but the Lich locked the exit and despite me being EE Keepered to 3.8m xp and stealing items so i could clean out the Adventurers Mart and special merchants, i simply could not defeat the Lich. Barbarian HP's at level 20+, rage, but i just couldn't survive the damage hurled my way, i mean sure i wasn't able to be disabled thanks to rage, but he used 3 PFMW and did around 450 damage over those rounds (not including the Pit fiend which SCS also buffed to use it's spells properly including Improved Invisibility).

    i STRONGLY advise you start using SCS, it literally changes the entire game, in BG1 it enhances most of the Boss/chapter end fights as well as generic spell casting monsters, in BG2 you can even get it to add HLA's to spell casters...Note that i do NOT turn that on, imagine the same Lich with the ability to cast Dragonbreath and Improved Alacrity! SCS also tweaks encounters with Ascension component adding a TON to TOB particularly.
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