Encounters in the OC seem really poorly designed

Chapter 1 is the best example of this. You go to the beggar's nest at level 3 after the prelude, and you fight zombies that cant hurt you. Then you try to go to the graveyard and the dire spider/sword coast boy are pretty much impossible to kill at level 3.
The game throws mostly "effortless" CR enemies at you that cant hurt you and give almost no xp, then a boss fight that is usually rated as "impossible". The gap is just way too large. Encounters should be mostly around your level, not 90% "effortless" ratings. Its really boring killing 90% trash fodder that poses no threat at all to you.
The CRs dont seem accurate either. For example, the intellect devourer is rated as "impossible" at level 3 even though all it did was stun my party, so after a long time of getting stunned and rolling attack rolls, I finally killed it. Hardly "impossible" considering that I took almost no damage at all.
The orc in the no man's land is a level 10 fighter IIRC, but is rated as CR 6. This is really weird, shouldnt a level 10 character be a level 10 CR? Even if you have a level 6 fighter with the best gear availble in chapter 1, its still an uphill fight and requires you to spam potions beause he has 4 levels on you. Sure, it might be CR 6 for you + a henchman...but the CR determines xp rewards and your henchman reduces your xp gain as it is. I dont get why henchmen reduce your xp further if the CRs (and resulting xp rewards) are already calculated on the assumption that you will have a henchman.
Meanwhile the swords of never are way more difficult than their CR suggests they would be and I dont think its possible to kill them without using exploits like retreating out of the area constantly to heal in safety.
Quests also seem badly designed, in almost all cases, you get way more rewards from killing everyone then letting them go. There are usually no penalties for killing unarmed prisoners either...no alignment shifts to evil or anything. For example, you can rescue Nax and let him go, but you get way better rewards from killing him.
The game throws mostly "effortless" CR enemies at you that cant hurt you and give almost no xp, then a boss fight that is usually rated as "impossible". The gap is just way too large. Encounters should be mostly around your level, not 90% "effortless" ratings. Its really boring killing 90% trash fodder that poses no threat at all to you.
The CRs dont seem accurate either. For example, the intellect devourer is rated as "impossible" at level 3 even though all it did was stun my party, so after a long time of getting stunned and rolling attack rolls, I finally killed it. Hardly "impossible" considering that I took almost no damage at all.
The orc in the no man's land is a level 10 fighter IIRC, but is rated as CR 6. This is really weird, shouldnt a level 10 character be a level 10 CR? Even if you have a level 6 fighter with the best gear availble in chapter 1, its still an uphill fight and requires you to spam potions beause he has 4 levels on you. Sure, it might be CR 6 for you + a henchman...but the CR determines xp rewards and your henchman reduces your xp gain as it is. I dont get why henchmen reduce your xp further if the CRs (and resulting xp rewards) are already calculated on the assumption that you will have a henchman.
Meanwhile the swords of never are way more difficult than their CR suggests they would be and I dont think its possible to kill them without using exploits like retreating out of the area constantly to heal in safety.
Quests also seem badly designed, in almost all cases, you get way more rewards from killing everyone then letting them go. There are usually no penalties for killing unarmed prisoners either...no alignment shifts to evil or anything. For example, you can rescue Nax and let him go, but you get way better rewards from killing him.
Your character should be drummed out of neverwinter.
If you are a hammer, I guess everyone is a nail
Oh and heres another example : Klauth. Hes supposed to be near impossible to kill without using the dragon sphere to weaken him, but I easily killed him with a paladin/champion of torm.
Why? Because when I was full attacking him, he kept casting spells instead of attacking me. He just sat there casting spells over and over...most of which seemed to be flame strike spells. Since the save DC was pretty low, I easily succeeded on all the saves which cut the flame damage in half, and the rest of the flame damage was blocked by my fire resist.
So he was spending one entire round to cast flame strike and do 22 divine damage on me per round while I was full attacking him and chewing through his HP. I would have died if he had attacked me instead of casting spells.