SOU : Are you supposed to start with gear?

Started SOU with a fresh level 1 character and all I got was 50 GP. Theres some gear in Dorgan's room, but no melee simple weapons and no body armor. I left the house with a crossbow, got attacked by a kobold, couldnt fight back properly because i provoke AOOs without point blank shot and had to get rescued by the dogs.
When I did get to the smithy, I realised that the 50 gp I had buys me nearly nothing. It seems like you are forced to sell all the weapons in Dorgan's room + steal the stuff out of your fellow apprentices chests to get starting funds to buy your gear, which seems pretty strange.
I mean, if you look at the OC prelude, you get plenty of starting gear. A fighter gets a melee weapon, chain shirt, chainmail and longbow at the very least. Do you really start with only 50 gp in SOU? It seems really weird. I mean, you are supposed to be an apprentice adventurer, but you have no gear at all?
When I did get to the smithy, I realised that the 50 gp I had buys me nearly nothing. It seems like you are forced to sell all the weapons in Dorgan's room + steal the stuff out of your fellow apprentices chests to get starting funds to buy your gear, which seems pretty strange.
I mean, if you look at the OC prelude, you get plenty of starting gear. A fighter gets a melee weapon, chain shirt, chainmail and longbow at the very least. Do you really start with only 50 gp in SOU? It seems really weird. I mean, you are supposed to be an apprentice adventurer, but you have no gear at all?
As a mage, be sure your familiar is summoned, and memorize a summoning spell for a dire badger. You should also have a companion with you.