Suggested builds for a few classes...

First, I know I already posted a message about fighter builds, and when I wanted to ask about other classes, I was told that I was spamming. Which I apologize for. I wanted to ask about some of the other classes. I have never played a Bard, Druid, Cleric, and Monk, and I am wondering if anyone could help me by describing builds for those classes as well. Again, I apologize for spamming, that was not my intent.
Bard: Medium armor+Tumble skill+ dexterity 16 gives you a pretty decent AC, while with a couple of fighter levels you can invest in weapon finesse/two weapon fighting /weapon focus and weapon specialization to be more than just a support character. Parry skill is also useful since you'll be wearing light armor.
Another interesting combination is bard/dragon disciple.
Feats: Power Attack, Blind Fight, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Unnarmed), Improved Critical (Unnarmed), Greater Cleave, Stealthy.
Skills: Tumble, Hide, MS, Heal and 5 ranks in Spellcraft (for the save throw bonus).
Started with 16 in STR/DEX/WIS. Invested everything in STR.
Now I'll play SoU with either a Bard/AA or a halfling Ranger/Shadowdancer.