Change back stunning fist duration

As you may know, the duration of the stun effect from the "stunning fist" feat has been changed from 3 rounds to only one in the EE.
Everyone in my server agrees that this is kinda lame, so I'm looking for a way to change it back to 3 rounds.
Is this possible, and how?
As you may know, the duration of the stun effect from the "stunning fist" feat has been changed from 3 rounds to only one in the EE.
Everyone in my server agrees that this is kinda lame, so I'm looking for a way to change it back to 3 rounds.
Is this possible, and how?
When I first played a monk in the EE without knowing about this, I was surprised by the tiny duration of the stunning fist, then found this in the release notes.
Moreover, when I bought the EE, I expected a more up to date game, not a "rebalanced" game. In fact, for the most part, feats and classes have been left untouched, even though there are other things that are much more overpowered and/or not true to PnP, so I really don't see why they felt the need for this specific modification.
I'd love this to at the very least be turned into a module switch that can be enabled or disabled by the person developing their module if not outright opened up for people to edit to their hearts content.
As far as making things into a module switch that can be enabled or disabled, may I suggest posting your idea on the Trello Board thread? Perhaps a card could be created on the input board if one covering it doesn't already exist. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.