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[SOLVED] Valygar/Stalker Kit unable to backstab while dual-wielding

DangerousWhelpDangerousWhelp Member Posts: 6
edited September 2018 in Troubleshooting
I've noticed that Valygar doesn't get a backstab bonus to damage anymore with the latest (at least latest on GOG) patch (

No mods whatsoever, he's dual-wielding Celestial Fury (mainhand) and his family katana (offhand).

Apparently he can't backstab while dual-wielding. At first I thought it was maybe the old bug where his family katana doesn't count as a thief weapon, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I've tried with using a generic katana in the off-hand, and it still didn't work.

I am able to successfully backstab using only Celestial Fury though (no off-hand.) Weird.

EDIT: I've restarted the game and now it works correctly. Super weird.
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