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Multi-player first or Single-player first?

JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
  1. Multi-player first or Single-player first?42 votes
    1. Multi-player
    2. Single-player


  • RilburRilbur Member Posts: 54
    Single player... not sure who I could even find to try MP with.
  • Venerate1Venerate1 Member Posts: 16
    ajwz said:

    I think most people on this forum are used to playing with themselves.


    Probably single player. Ive been flogging my regular group trying to get a MP together but it is hard work thus far :( Plus they are all in different timezones.

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Venerate1 said:

    ajwz said:

    I think most people on this forum are used to playing with themselves.


    Probably single player. Ive been flogging my regular group trying to get a MP together but it is hard work thus far :( Plus they are all in different timezones.

    *BY! I MEANT *BY!
  • Venerate1Venerate1 Member Posts: 16
    Sure ye did ;P
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    edited November 2012
    ajwz said:

    I think most people on this forum are used to playing with themselves.

    We would not be "Single players" If we didn't? ;)
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    He's probably right either way ;D

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited November 2012
    If you are in North America try here for multiplayer

    If you are in Australia (or a likewise time zone) try here for multiplayer

    If you are in Europe try here for multiplayer

    (Self- serving link lol) Otherwise if you want to find out the names of other people who are approximately from your time zone I established a poll a little while ago. For some areas it may not be much help, but for others it may.

  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Although I will probably run a concurrent Black Pits MP game.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    I'll be making an Archer for SP. And with my MP character on the weekends with my friends, a swashbuckler.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Can't say I've had much luck with the multiplayer so far. But just to let everyone know the multiplayer section of the forum is up now.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Would like to play multiplayer, but its completely broken.
  • CyhortCyhort Member Posts: 78
    Single player, if I can ever get the damn thing to work. I hate playing games like this with other people.
  • GoForTheEyesBooGoForTheEyesBoo Member Posts: 97
    I purchased the game to play multiplayer for a large part. Unfortunately, LAN multiplayer doesn't work right now and it causes the game to crash...they need to fix that quickly since it was one of the features they said would be enhanced.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    Both? I play Multi-player as a single-player game in order to have my own party.
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