Yar. :-) Found two links that might help: 1, and 2.
I think it's just about putting your 2da entries on non-conflicting lines, and maybe providing pre-merged ready-to-use versions of the Q and CEP placeables.2das, and that's all there is to it. I haven't made anything CEP or Q-compatible yet, though, so don't take my word for it.
Honestly you might want to reconsider whether or not it is worth the trouble. Much of the CEP content is outdated by NWN DE standards and project Q uses unlicensed content which would be outdated by the quality you could potentially achieve with NWN EE. You could just be releasing packages with tens of thousands of unused 2da lines that never get used.
I suggest also striving to be compatible with the More TNO Placeables by Tiberius Morguhn. It's a very well done and popular placeable set and has a Project Q compatible 2da.
That said, I for one am eagerly looking forward to you work.
One other thing to consider is to have a small text document, as part of your release, that contains just the 2da lines that relates to your project. That way anyone building with your stuff who is using neither Q or CEP has an easier way of adding your stuff along with other haks.
I think it's just about putting your 2da entries on non-conflicting lines, and maybe providing pre-merged ready-to-use versions of the Q and CEP placeables.2das, and that's all there is to it. I haven't made anything CEP or Q-compatible yet, though, so don't take my word for it.
That said, I for one am eagerly looking forward to you work.