Missing resources for sound placeables.

Only downloaded EE a few days ago and was fiddling with toolkit placing some sound stuff. When i went to build the module it came up with a missing resource error that the .wav file was missing. It was one of the rain sounds.
Anyone else run into this?
Anyone else run into this?
Lava Lake Loop placeable sound = Dungeon Lava Lake ambient area sound
Sludge Lake placeable sound = Sewer Sludge Lake ambient area sound
Draft Interior Loop placeable sound = Wind Draft ambient area sound
Rain Heavy placeable sound = Rain Hard ambient area sound
Rain Light placeable sound = Rain Light ambient area sound
Rainstorm Heavy placeable sound = Rainstorm Big ambient area sound
Rainstorm Light placeable sound = Rainstorm Small ambient area sound
Wind Cave Loop placeable sound = Wind Cavern ambient area sound
Wind Chasm Loop placeable sound = Wind Chasm ambient area sound
Wind Grass Loop placeable sound = Wind Grass ambient area sound
SoUMissingAmbient.zip was the name of the file.
Trimming them from the placeables in the toolset would be nice to avoid confusion