Liked to add that I almost know what to do,know where to put it(made a new portrait file with capital P),but what am I supposed to do with the pictures?Something about mbp?Please try to speak as plain as possible because I suck at computers(technology,basically)
to change the dimension of any downloaded image on your android to 210x330.
Rename the .bmp to something with eight characters or less then go to your Baldur's gate file using a file browser app like ES File explorer on Google Play. Usually the search paramenters are Local>Home>Android>data>com.beamdogbaldursgateenhancededition>files>portraits.
Copy or move the .bmp from your android download file that can be found under "home" to the portraits file under baldur's gate. If there isn't a portraits file just make one by selecting "new folder" and simply rename it to "portraits".
When you create a character the option for custom portrais will appear for version 1.3 but if you're using v2.5 just scroll through the regular portraits and your new image file will be among them.