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Anybody got wbms to share?

That's the movie format for the IE games from Beamdog. I think the original movies were biks, an antique file type. But lots of games used it. Does anybody have anything from the good old days converted into wbm? Some fun game introductions? Thinking of Red Alert 2 here... I'd like some different movies for my movies folder, because as I modder I get to launch the game, like, 57 times a day for testing, and I'm just sick of whoom-shoom, logo, the Nietzsche quote... You know, "That which does not kill me, drives me nuts." Yet files with these names in the movies folder are required for Near Infinity, the modding software, to know which game it is dealing with. I can't delete the files, but I can put something else there and preserve a little sanity. So, any good stuff to spread around?


  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    fraid I don't have any replacements to share, but is there a reason you're not skipping the movies? One click should go on to the next step.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,496
    You can disable movies completely by adding this line to the baldur.lua:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Disable Movies','1')
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