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Anyone watch the new movies yet?

I just downloaded an update to the original BG preload which contains the cut-scene movies, and watched them using VLC media player. I know a number of people here expressed their disappointment that the original movies would not be used.

Those of you who watched the new movies, what do you think?


  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2012
    The art style is amazing, I just finished watching them now. The ending movie especially felt "Baldur's Gate-ish" in terms of character design. I'm quite happy how they turned out. Those that are upset that the originals aren't being used need to re watch the originals! Then you'd understand :D
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I watched a couple of the non major ones (bandit camp and cloakwood).
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