Anyone use Faldorn in their parties?

Generally, I've never made much use of Faldorn, who I've always considered THE weakest NPC in BG. However, as I prepare for BG:EE in my mind, I've been mulling over the possibility of giving Faldorn an earnest try. From an RP perspective, I've always liked the fact that she shares a common goal with your party (investigating the Iron Throne). Also, as a neutral (and somewhat militant) character, she can fit in with my planned "evil" party.
For anyone here who has made serious use of Faldorn, does anyone have any recommendations or advice on using her?
For anyone here who has made serious use of Faldorn, does anyone have any recommendations or advice on using her?
So basically, have her spam heal spells and/or summoning. At Level 10 she will have 3 Level 4 Spells, 2 Level 5 Spells. That potentially means 3 Animal Summoning I, 2 Animal Summoning II, and her innate ability Summon Dread Wolf.
Make sure to equip her with Ankheg Armor, and she is a good target for the Claw of Kazgaroth. Also, Kiel's Buckler. The Ring of Holiness is of course awesome on her as well.
Healer/summoner is your best bet I guess. I mean as the only single-class druid in the game she gets access to 2 level 5 spells eventually, which you could use for a number of different things (insect plague, critical wounds, animal summoning, etc). I wouldn't say iron skins, just because frankly her stats don't support her being someone who could benefit much from it. I guess she could cast it and then shapechange, but I'm not sure if that would work. She also gets call lightning of course which in Baldurs Gate is handy (not so much in BG2), and insect summon (which I happen to like as an earlier spell than insect plague that you can still use on spell casters). Her wisdom is good for NPC's (16) and on top of her higher druid level obtainability it makes her a more spell worthy druid than Jaheira (the wisdom benefit is 2 more 2nd level spells than what Jaheira would get). If you need to use her in fighting conventionally (non spell fighting) she isn't much good at it. She is an example of someone who does benefits stats wise from the shapeshifting forms she gets at level 7 (especially the bears since they would actually give her more health and a solid strength), but I can't say shapeshifting is something I would do without having any other options for her.
Finally, though its been awhile I'm sure her dread wolf ability would be a strong summon. I mean they generally are strong in game.
That said, she's got the greatest divine spells capabilities of any NPCs as my disciple @Quartz pointed out. Plus, a pure druid hits 5th level divine spells. With the addition of BG2 spells, that's a huge advantage for druids. That's a cast of Animal Summon II, Cause/Cure Critical Wounds, Chaotic Commands, Insect Plague, Iron Skins, or Mass Cure over any Cleric.
Don't forget while her physical stats are lacking, they are inconsequential. They could all be 9 and it wouldn't matter. Shapeshifting simply sets it to the value of the animal form you take, so if you want to go tank as a bear, you can do that just fine.
As soon as you find him, you can dump Jaheira for the rest of the game.
He's got some good priest stats, and with the WIS books, he can do his job very well (access to level 4 healing spells).