Who fills what roles in your party?

So, I have played all the incarnations of Baldur's Gate for the PC. That being 1,2, the expansions and even tutu, and I love picking a new CHARNAME each game for one simple reason. Roles. I love picking new roles for my CHARNAME, because it always means a different line up of NPCs. And it's always better in BG1 because starting from level one, most NPCs can fill a varity of roles based on how you build them. Which means a new game experience ever time you start a new game.
So I wanted to know what role your CHARNAME and your NPCs are going to be, or have been or even what you wish they could be.
The roles I am talking about are this...and I know I wont get them all.
- Leader (The person who does your talking and Shopping)
- Lore Master ( The character who identifies your items)
- Tank (The person who absorbs damage for weaker characters)
- Caster (Anyone who casts spells.)
- Healer (The person who does the healing)
- DPS (Damage dealer. Melee, ranged or Magic, doesn't matter.)
- Summoner (Someone who summons.)
- Buffer (Someone who buffs the party.)
- Debuffer (Someone who debuffs the enemy, either through removing their buffs, or by using actual debuffs on them.)
- Sniper ( Long ranged weapon user.)
- Scout (Someone who scouts a head.)
- Rogue (Someone who can find and disarm traps, pick locks, that sort of stuff.)
- Off-[BLANK] (Any character who partially fills a role, though not as well as a full version. I.E. Off-Tank, Off-Healer, Off-Rogue
There are probably some roles I couldn't think of, but well...I couldn't think of them so yeah. As for me, my party for my first run through on BG:EE will look like this.
CHARNAME - Swashbuckler (DPS[Melee], Scout, Rogue, Leader [Cloak of Algernon])
Imoen - Thief/Mage Dual (Caster, DPS[Magic], Off-Rogue)
Faldorn - Druid (Caster, Debuffer, Buffer, Summoner)
Branwen - Cleric (Caster, Healer, Buffer, Debuffer)
Minsc {If I can hide Dynaheir away} Addled Ranger (DPS [Melee], Tank [With Gauntlets of DEX])
and Either
Kivan - Ranger (DPS[Range], Sniper, Off-tank)
Garrick - Bard (Caster, DPS[Magic], Leader, Buffer, Loremaster[Sort of...]
Now mine is more or less a generic filling of roles. And of course, I never played an evil party, so I dont know how they would fill.
So I wanted to know what role your CHARNAME and your NPCs are going to be, or have been or even what you wish they could be.
The roles I am talking about are this...and I know I wont get them all.
- Leader (The person who does your talking and Shopping)
- Lore Master ( The character who identifies your items)
- Tank (The person who absorbs damage for weaker characters)
- Caster (Anyone who casts spells.)
- Healer (The person who does the healing)
- DPS (Damage dealer. Melee, ranged or Magic, doesn't matter.)
- Summoner (Someone who summons.)
- Buffer (Someone who buffs the party.)
- Debuffer (Someone who debuffs the enemy, either through removing their buffs, or by using actual debuffs on them.)
- Sniper ( Long ranged weapon user.)
- Scout (Someone who scouts a head.)
- Rogue (Someone who can find and disarm traps, pick locks, that sort of stuff.)
- Off-[BLANK] (Any character who partially fills a role, though not as well as a full version. I.E. Off-Tank, Off-Healer, Off-Rogue
There are probably some roles I couldn't think of, but well...I couldn't think of them so yeah. As for me, my party for my first run through on BG:EE will look like this.
CHARNAME - Swashbuckler (DPS[Melee], Scout, Rogue, Leader [Cloak of Algernon])
Imoen - Thief/Mage Dual (Caster, DPS[Magic], Off-Rogue)
Faldorn - Druid (Caster, Debuffer, Buffer, Summoner)
Branwen - Cleric (Caster, Healer, Buffer, Debuffer)
Minsc {If I can hide Dynaheir away} Addled Ranger (DPS [Melee], Tank [With Gauntlets of DEX])
and Either
Kivan - Ranger (DPS[Range], Sniper, Off-tank)
Garrick - Bard (Caster, DPS[Magic], Leader, Buffer, Loremaster[Sort of...]
Now mine is more or less a generic filling of roles. And of course, I never played an evil party, so I dont know how they would fill.