Yeah, many people would have liked a midnight release, but I for one am rather glad for a daylight release. Or...daylight for the devs at least. In this way they will be awake and focused when the serves crash and Europe starts to riot. At least if something goes bad, they'll be awake enough to deal with it quickly.
(I mention Europe only because from the poll I saw, there seems to be a HUGE number of BG players there. Even compared to North America.)
Check back in...oh, about...12 hours. The game wont be ready until 1:00 PM MDT.
It's 1pm MST, not MDT. Initial tweet was incorrect. I figure you just mistyped, since your 12 hour estimate was at the time correct, but just to avoid any confusion.
Nope Didn't mistype. I'm PST and I just assumed MDT meant mountain time in general. I was only right by accident. I'll make sure to fix it in the future.
Canada's a bit wider than that. At least six time zones (PST, MST, CST, EST, AST, and NST) are present across its breadth. (I'm assuming you meant Edmonton, Canada.)
Canada's a bit wider than that. At least six time zones (PST, MST, CST, EST, AST, and NST) are present across its breadth. (I'm assuming you meant Edmonton, Canada.)
Sorry I should have made myself clearer. Canada right now is not in DST, so in the case of Edmonton it is in MST. But yes you are right there are 6 time zones in canada though Newfoundland's is a more of a half time zone since there isn't an hour difference between say Halifax and St. John's.
(I mention Europe only because from the poll I saw, there seems to be a HUGE number of BG players there. Even compared to North America.)
Mountain Standard Time = regular time
Mountain Daylight Time = daylight savings time
Right now Alberta is in MST.
I actually messaged Nathan so that he would correct it, because his notification originally got it wrong as well.
Also, the space between my name and the @ isn't supposed to be there.