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BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
Where is my Game? I downloaded it and it is Wednesday in Japan-

Oh edited for time---- so looks like tiny hours of the morn THURSDAY... oh well


  • DoomBlackDragonDoomBlackDragon Member Posts: 4
    You know it midnight out here and I am ticked off the release time is noon today for me. Meaning Nov. 29 for asia and parts of europe. We did not even need a prelaunch thanks to it being so late in the day. Really bad launch.
  • BamBam Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012
    Um. Sorry. It wont be out until 1:00 -->PM<-- MDT which is 11h 3m from now.

    Edit: I was told that it is actually 1:00 PM -MST- as opposed to MDT. My time was still right, but I did use the wrong acronym for the time. This changes nothing. I dont even know what the difference between MST and MDT is.
    Post edited by Bam on
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    Relax dude !!!;iso=20121128T13&amp;p1=80

    Dont know where you are in Japan.. But try the link !!!
  • RarityRarity Member Posts: 8
    My word.. People sure are antsy!
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  • ZemeZeme Member Posts: 19
    tilly said:


    It is NEVER the same day everywhere in the world at the same moment in time ~_~ grrr

    I'm pretty sure its the same day everywhere at 12:00 GMT.
  • JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
    I want my BG:EE now! Also Rainbow of Smackdown.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    It releases at @875.

    What, everyone doesn't use Internet Time? What kind of backwards future is this?!?
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Yet, I do not understand why they are waiting 1 PM MDT to release the game ;-)

    Don't they work in the morning ? ^_^
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited November 2012
    Zeme said:

    tilly said:


    It is NEVER the same day everywhere in the world at the same moment in time ~_~ grrr

    I'm pretty sure its the same day everywhere at 12:00 GMT.
    Depending on if you mean pm or am there are different reasons for this not entirely being correct, but in the case of New Zealand they would be different this time of year. The are +13 GMT/UST, so at midnight in the UK they would be on the same day, but at noon they would be a day ahead.
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  • ZemeZeme Member Posts: 19
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    plus some time zone boundaries warp around a bit, little places in different time zones to the places next to them, etc, so never. not by a long shot.
  • BamBam Member Posts: 38
    @Aasimar069 It's my guess that they're waiting to afternoon so that they'll be awake to deal with any problems. And so they'll -Hopefully- not be working through lunch to deal with said issues. They did say they would be releasing it after lunch. A drinkable lunch but lunch just the same.
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    I think I'll just spend the day hitting F5 on Trent's Twitter.
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