Romance Question - Half Orcs?

Hello, in the original game, there were no romances for half-orcs. Did the EE ever change that to where Jaheira or Aerie will run their romance programs with a half-orc character, without the Tweaks mod?
Also, Viconia is awesome.
I wish humans could multi-class without resorting to Keeper.
Also, yes, VIconia IS awesome... at being a terrible terrible person. The worst part is that its not exaggerated at all like almost every other evil companion. She is REALISTICALLY emotionally abusive and manipulative. I've know people in real life just like her, and was previously in a relationship with one. Its not desireable, its not sexy, its just anguish. Any body who would want to put themselves into something like either never experienced it, or is currently a victim of it, and thinks its normal.
Might be an unpopular opinion but I find the idea of any of the female NPC romancing a half orc unrealistic and unsavory.
To put it bluntly, they don't have a chance should things go wrong.
If the game was able to explore the real dangers and the real difficulties that such a "romance" could encounter, I might feel differently. But it can't so IMO, they should have left well alone.
It's verging far too much into the fanfic fantasy stuff.
We're all like wizards and warriors and stuff. We slay Demons and Dragons and Mindflayers and stuff. I don't think there's any recruitable companion who would be helpless against the might of a half orc.
At the same time, I hope you do not mind that I shared my own opinion on the character, although I wont push the point any further. We can only agree to disagree, I guess.
So if you fend off an attempted assault it means the attacker respects you more?
Is that how it goes?
So if you can't, what, you deserve to be disrespected?
IMO, the developers of EE veered into territory they are not at all capable (nor did they want to) explore seriously.
Would have been better to steer clear.
It's a romance. Either you're into the semi-monstrous brute or you're not.
I have to choose between unmodded EE or reverting to the classic GoG version so I can install mods using the Weidu method I'm familiar with. Usually nowadays I just go with EE because I'm spoiled by the quality of life features. So no more mods for me, sadly. I just don't need the stress of it any more. I want to spend my leisure time playing, not dealing with tech stuff.
However, I *really* like Steam for its ease of use features, and hours played information. Also, I'm not sure if I ever bought SoD on my Beamdog client. I'll have to check that out. I don't think I did.