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Romance restrictions

stormserpentstormserpent Member Posts: 1
Short question: I choose to play a (X) Good Half-orc male; would I be able to romance Jaheira or Aerie?

Long version: I liked how Dragon Age: Origins took out the "racial" restrictions in romancing NPCs. Would BG: EE have the same treatment towards NPC romances?

Post edited by LadyRhian on


  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    From what I've read, the only possible option you have going for you are the new characters. I'm afraid they couldn't mess with existing characters and all the possibilities were only hot for elves and humans.
  • stormserpentstormserpent Member Posts: 1
    thanks. still not stopping me from getting this awesome game. :)
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208

    From what I've read, the only possible option you have going for you are the new characters. I'm afraid they couldn't mess with existing characters and all the possibilities were only hot for elves and humans.

    They can also both be romanced by halflings (and of course half-elves), and gnomes can romance Aerie.
  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    I didn't know they could by halflings, and Aerie is only in II, so that doesn't help Storm. At any rate, Her half-orc isn't getting any love from anyone but new NPCs.
  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    But, Storm, if I could make a little tangent here, and disagree about how DA handled things: I like the idea of characters being fleshed out enough to know if they'd be in to a certain race (or not) along with being into a certain gender. DA feels like everyone was up for whatever, not because they'd be up for whatever, but because it made it easier on the devs. I'd like to see (in BG3, fingers crossed) fleshed out characters who have actual likes and dislikes, but a diversity to them, so that most (if not all) PCs have a chance.
  • BelegurthBelegurth Member Posts: 61
    I want a romance with bubu :(
  • crawlkillcrawlkill Member Posts: 71
    They're saying old mods will be able to work, and there are already several thoroughly easy-to-use mods that patch out race and sex restrictions on BG2's romances (BG2 Ease-of-Use includes the option, I think?). The game won't particularly recognize that you're an orc nailing Aerie or a dude bangin whatsisname, y'know, the whiny guy, and don't expect your pronouns to change, and how the HELL will the Aerieccidental pregnancy think work, but! It's easy to do. Now you've just gotta wait for BG2EE to come out, heh.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    Would BG: EE have the same treatment towards NPC romances?

    The new romances in BGEE have no race restrictions.
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