Need held understanding the game

Hi folk, I has the Diamond Edition but never really played it. Just bought the EE on GOG, and I need help figuring a few things. I understand BG and IWD most of DnD rule.
Now for NWN, I figured out already that AC is now inversed. The higher the better.
Henchman: Its basically just a sidekick. He won't do much. You can't upgrade him or change his armor or weapons, am I right?
Spells: I play as a Paladin. You learn spell automatically when leveling, so there is no point in keeping all the spells I found in chest or enemy. Or can it serve for a henchman eventually?
Getting deeper into the game, got the 2nd waterdivian creature. Anything I should know?
Now for NWN, I figured out already that AC is now inversed. The higher the better.
Henchman: Its basically just a sidekick. He won't do much. You can't upgrade him or change his armor or weapons, am I right?
Spells: I play as a Paladin. You learn spell automatically when leveling, so there is no point in keeping all the spells I found in chest or enemy. Or can it serve for a henchman eventually?
Getting deeper into the game, got the 2nd waterdivian creature. Anything I should know?
Henchmen: Officially theres no inventory management for them in the original campaign (but there used to be a mod for that), so it's better if your paladin does the tank job since most of the other henchmen dont really have a decent AC. Also, they have dialogue lines that proceed as you advance character levels ,not chapters ,and by listening to their whole story you get the opportunity to do a quest for them or find some item , and they will give you a nice magic item as a reward. At level 6 you'll be able to have the whole dialogue with any of the henchmen, even those who haven't adventured with you before.
The original campaign is really helpful with the respawning support, but my advice is to use that magic stone of teleport before you die , because it spares you the xp loss.
Spells: your paladin has already got the full list of spells available to his level, but you can also cast spells from scrolls and it's good to keep spell scrolls that are useful against most harmful effect such as slow poison, restoration etc .
Your henchmen cant use scrolls or learn from them.
As for the waterdavian creatures... well, many of the challenges you'll find will scale to your level, so you're free to explore the city and investigate.
Oh, one more thing! Have you visited the dwarven blacksmith at the city core? Get his list of recipes and try to have him male as many items as you can , because selling them grants you more money than what you invested making them.
It's not the merchant selling expensive things near Beggars Nest you are talking about?
I will clean my inventory with spells and scrolls. Knowing the Paladin automatically has access to spells as he level up, will sell them and make $