How do I update/patch my custom modules?

I am having trouble finding out if there is a way you update my custom SP modules with patches/bugfixes/new content without players' current saves/progress becoming obsolete. Is this possible? Will save files only work with one particular version of a module?
Any help is much appreciated!
Any help is much appreciated!
I'm wondering if there is a way to add new, un-accessed areas that can be reached via updated conversations? I tried this with a HAK, but the conversation wouldn't teleport the character from my saved game. If I reloaded the game with a new character it did teleport. So I'm assuming this method won't work for adding new areas.
Is there any way to add a new area to a module without making a player's save obsolete?
As such, any changes to the MOD will not be shown. You can actually rename the .sav to .mod and open it with the toolset to make a bugfix, but that only affects that one user.
It's possible to make a patcher script that users could use to update their SAVs, if that's something you're interested in pursuing. But so far in the community it has been the case that module updates require starting a new game, people are used to it.
If you think about it, even adding a new area in a hak leads to the same problem eventually, once the new area is saved.
In addition to the area files in a module, there is a master list of areas in the module.ifo file, which you can't safely override. I imagine it's that which blocks jumps to areas added in a hak.
Those dumnys will be overwritten by those in the haks
@Proleric @Calgacus It would be very nice if EE had a feature for doing this easily.
@FreshLemonBun This is the solution I think is most sensible for my goals with my SP module(s). Are there any tutorials to help me understand storing information for cross-module use?
@dunahan This is a good idea, especially for adding a couple planned future areas.
If you have a saving object like a book or crystal or whatever in a bag then use GetItemPossessedBy to grab the item and save, lets say GetLocation function of the PC to SetLocalLocation on the inventory item you got. On lets say, the module enter script, use GetItemPossedBy again and GetLocalLocation on the item to grab that location, use AssignCommand to PC with JumpToLocation to the location you saved.
void main() { object oPC=GetEnteringObject(); object oSave = GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "save"); if (GetIsObjectValid(oSave) == FALSE) { object oItem = CreateItemOnObject("save_bag", oPC); oSave = CreateItemOnObject("save", oItem); } location lTest = GetLocalLocation(oSave, "loc"); string sTest = GetLocalString(oSave, "test"); SendMessageToPC(oPC, sTest); AssignCommand(oPC, JumpToLocation(lTest)); }
void main() { object oPC = GetLastPCRested(); location lTest = GetLocation(oPC); object oSave = GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "save"); SetLocalLocation(oSave, "loc", lTest); SetLocalString(oSave, "test", "test jump"); }
Lets say you put the first on the OnEnter event of the first area of the module with the starting location object. Then you put the second on I dunno your module's OnRest event. Then you'll save the location and the test message every time you click rest, and when you export your character it will keep that information which your updated module will also read in the same on enter event. You'll need to make a custom container (like a copy of bag of holding with no magic properties) and give it the resref of "save_bag". Your save item will be a custom gem or miscellaneous set to not drop or be sold with I think plot and stolen flags with "save" as the resref and tag.
That's more or less the basics of how it used to be done.
Alternatively you can probably try using the campaign database.
Here's my vision: Self contained quests are released semi-regularly as separate modules. Players can play them in no specific order. Players who choose to carry the same character from one quest/module to another will notice NPCs recall their exploits and/or have different quest options.
Would an object like you described be the most efficient way to carry over a few plot variables?
You can use more or less the same method to read and write different variables like plot flags, just make sure you give them all a unique reference id. To have an NPC remember a character you probably want to look at the "text appears when" input box in the conversation editor and the "action taken" script input box too.
So you can use "action taken" to call a script that sets the variable on your save object and then "text appears when" to branch or progress the dialogue by the script checking the variable and returning true if it's correct.
You can also use custom tokens to save certain pieces of text that you want to insert, but you should really google and start reading through nwnlexicon at that point.
I believe there are various complex script systems to handle conversations but a simple way could be when you edit the properties of your quest npc you can give them two variables, one is a string lets call it "quest_label" and the other is an int lets call it "quest_state" and now you can use this when you're setting your local variable.
string sLabel = GetLocalString(oNPC, "quest_label"); int nState = GetLocalInt(oNPC, "quest_state"); SetLocalInt(oSave, sLabel, nState);
So checking it would be the same but instead the third line would be GetLocalInt instead, and you would be checking that the value is the same as nState. Something along the lines of this.
if (GetLocalInt(oSave, sLabel) == nState) return TRUE;
For more complicated things you should probably test around a bit first, read the nwnlexicon, and maybe see if the neverwintervault has a scripted system you like.