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nwhak.exe bug?

CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
edited October 2018 in Technical Support
I can't get nwhak.exe to work - right now it is not successfully adding any resources - either my own or any downloaded. I see it might have been updated in the latest version 8182 (the nwhak.exe file creation date is updated anyway), I wonder if it got broke. Anyone else tried the latest version? I can open a new or an existing hak but cannot add anything to it. I can save as well.


  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited October 2018
    Have you tried dragging and dropping your new files into nwhak when it is opened with your hak in it? You should be able to get stuff into a hak in the old way via the menus as well - Resource/Add.

    Once in you need to save your updated hak otherwise any changes made are lost when you close nwhak.

  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited October 2018
    @TarotRedhand I was just trying the menus Resource/Add and they do not work but drag n drop does. Thanks!
    Now, I was doing this to test importing areas from a hakpak and while I can include the .hak the areas inside the hak do not appear in the areas list. Can areas in hak paks be used? I am just trying to test out the limits of what I can put in hak paks - for the purpose of releasing module bug fixes so players do not have to restart the module to play the latest version. My goal is to find out - can everything in a mod be put in hak paks and if so how what would that work flow look like.

    PS: I see I can use the dm_jumptopoint function to jump a pc to the area in the hak so it must be getting imported though is not being displayed n the area list.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    You really don't want to do areas in a hak. You can, but you still must reference them from the mod, and at that point I think you will no longer be able to use them in the toolset, and if you ever edit your module in the toolset they'll be lost.

    Without going into too much detail, don't do areas from a hak unless you are ready for some horrible horrible pain. You can put pretty much anything else in there though.
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