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Bad Start to The Longest Day Ever!!!

Finally fell asleep last night after taking my meds at about 2 AM. Just got woken up at 2 minutes to 7 (6:58 AM) by my wife complaining she was late and getting ready in a mad dash to make it to work on time (because instead of getting ready when she woke up at 6 she messed around on Facebook instead).

Here I was hoping to sleep as much of the day away as possible so there would be fewer hours to wait for BG when I woke up. Now I'm sitting here feeling like Vader/Ani at the end of Star Wars Episode 3...NoooOooOooOoooo!!!!


  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    I have the opposite situation... 11.15pm... gotta stay up.... caffeine caffeine don't sleep don't sleep caffeine caffeine caffeine caffeine zzzzzzzzzzz....

    aahh! caffeine caffeine caffeine...
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    lol @ leyshjonoe That might work, but then as soon as the game is unlocked you'll be so tired you'll pass out before you even finish rolling your character. :/
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    I also got up very early today and it is getting really really slow, so I decided to reorganize furnishings in my bedroom.
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Mathuzzz said:

    I also got up very early today and it is getting really really slow, so I decided to reorganize furnishings in my bedroom.

    I was thinking the same thing!

    This is the beginning of a new era indeed :P

  • BamBam Member Posts: 38
    I haven't slept yet. Let's see, it's five AM now. And the game is released at noon my time. Seven hours. If I sleep right now, for eight hours, I will only miss the first hour of the release, probably dodging the server crash that will inevitably arise. Sounds like a plan.

    Good night folks.
  • ChlorsstChlorsst Member Posts: 6
    I've watched walking dead all night long, i'm almost like them now but i'll stay awake until tonight.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I'll only be able to play it tonight...
  • KatukovKatukov Member Posts: 2
    I waited so long for this game, a couple of hours more doesn't matter, love to start it again!!
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    I've just been informed by Trent that the release has been delayed by 24 hours, feel free to sleep.

    That's it... sleep.

  • BamBam Member Posts: 38
    Have you ever heard of "Don't Shoot the Messenger."? Neither have I.

    On a serious note, I hope that was just a cruel cruel joke.
  • PhælinPhælin Member Posts: 316
    Aaaaand my wife just doesn't understand what the fuss is all about :P
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2012
    You can read some creepypasta to stay up. =)
  • ParaneParane Member Posts: 14
    I had an idea to buy the game, then I saw the poor screenshots and changed my mind. But then I remembered how much I loved BG2 so I managed to convince myself that I needed the game. So I've preordered it and it's currently downloading!
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    Bam said:

    Have you ever heard of "Don't Shoot the Messenger."? Neither have I.

    On a serious note, I hope that was just a cruel cruel joke.

    Cruel? Perhaps.

    Joke? Perhaps not.

    But yes, it was.
  • ChlorsstChlorsst Member Posts: 6
    Guys do you know when the game will be available? And in what time zone? I'm french and for me 18h it's in a couple of minutes.
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    Chlorsst said:

    Guys do you know when the game will be available? And in what time zone? I'm french and for me 18h it's in a couple of minutes.

    21:00 for you

  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Chlorsst : for us Central Europeans, it's gonna be 9 PM, or 21:00 :)
  • ChlorsstChlorsst Member Posts: 6
  • cojumkrcojumkr Member Posts: 8
    Korea.... Nov 29. Am 5:00...
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    a really bad start so far... apparently, my GPU decided today would be a good day to die. trying my best to breath a new life into it, but for fucks sake, today? couldn't the little bugger do that at *literally any other goddamn day of the year*?
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86

    a really bad start so far... apparently, my GPU decided today would be a good day to die. trying my best to breath a new life into it, but for fucks sake, today? couldn't the little bugger do that at *literally any other goddamn day of the year*?, I feel for ya brother. Do you maybe have a older PC around you could run BG:EE on? As we're all sure you shouldn't need a "top-o-the-line" GPU to run it. Maybe even on-board graphics could handle it. At least to get you gaming while you *possibly* have to wait for a new GPU. I hope all goes well and you get to play today my friend.

  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    RavenX said:

    a really bad start so far... apparently, my GPU decided today would be a good day to die. trying my best to breath a new life into it, but for fucks sake, today? couldn't the little bugger do that at *literally any other goddamn day of the year*?, I feel for ya brother. Do you maybe have a older PC around you could run BG:EE on? As we're all sure you shouldn't need a "top-o-the-line" GPU to run it. Maybe even on-board graphics could handle it. At least to get you gaming while you *possibly* have to wait for a new GPU. I hope all goes well and you get to play today my friend.

    luckily, I have a nicely aged laptop, but it would be best to breath life into my current GPU... it works somewhat, but the dearest display driver crashes on a few things, like video playback, and I'm not sure it won't crash on BGEE... biggest problem is, it doesn't look like a software issue, considering it does this little thing in both of my installed OSs.

    I am not amused.
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    You in FL by any chance? I've got an old GeForce 7000*something* laying around. Drive over and I'll give it to you cheap. I was going to give it to a friend of mine to build him something that could play some kind of games for him but he's turned into a serious douchebag lately so screw him, he can fend for himself. You want it, let me know.
  • DoomBlackDragonDoomBlackDragon Member Posts: 4
    it gets worse as the game is not launching on time. *sigh.* oh well.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    RavenX said:

    You in FL by any chance? I've got an old GeForce 7000*something* laying around. Drive over and I'll give it to you cheap. I was going to give it to a friend of mine to build him something that could play some kind of games for him but he's turned into a serious douchebag lately so screw him, he can fend for himself. You want it, let me know.

    thank you for the extremely kind offer! :)
    sadly, I happen to live on the other end of the globe, in Central Europe. :C

    I'll try and wiggle something together, hopefully.
  • ChlorsstChlorsst Member Posts: 6
    I'm in...
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86

    thank you for the extremely kind offer! :)
    sadly, I happen to live on the other end of the globe, in Central Europe. :C

    I'll try and wiggle something together, hopefully.

    NP at all. Always glad to offer a hand to a fellow BG fan in need. especially with the incredibly bad luck you've had. Hope all goes well and you at least get BG:EE up and running while getting your GPU to work/replaced.
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