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I now hate Baldur's Gate.

Wake up this morning, don't have to go into work till 4, awesome... OMG IT'S THE 28TH! I CAN PLAY BALDUR'S GATE!

"doesn't come out till 3pm my time"

Really >.> Really >.> RIGHT when I leave for work? REALLY?

Sad face.


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Cry havoc!
  • KazhangKazhang Member Posts: 11
    MERLANCE said:

    Oh dear, I think you might be coming down with something. You obviously have the flu, you better stay home and not infect your co workers.


    It's horrible...I've been waiting ages to play, gf got me a card to get this, figured out it was delayed (cried a little) and now I don't get home till late tonight, then I gotta sleep to go to work early tomorrow >.> It's a conspiracy to stop me from playing obviously.

  • BadmassBadmass Member Posts: 36
    I get the pleasure of a midnight release. Midnight of the 29th! See? Not so bad now right?
  • KazhangKazhang Member Posts: 11
    MERLANCE said:

    Oh dear, your car was set on fire by teenagers. I don't think you will be able to drive into work today.

    Would work if I could drive. I'm HONESTLY tempted to call in sick today, because I adore BG that much...and it's only a 5 hour shift.

  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    Kazhang said:

    >.> It's a conspiracy to stop me from playing obviously.

    The Illuminati man, it's them, I know it. Conspiring with what we think are "Aliens", which are in fact actually Mind Flayers who have used dimensional doorways to cross into our reality. They've made a base on the moon and combined magic with our realities technology in a grand scheme to conquer us all. Then they'll use the millions of new slaves (the population of our planet) to invade the Forgotten Realms and take over control of Faerûn. Then they'll control both worlds and use their populations to conquer all realities until the crew of the USS Enterprise runs into Doctor Who and they team up with the last surviving Bhalspawn to save us all.


    hehe j/k

  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Oh dear, your uncle Scratchy ate a bad turnip and unexpectedly died. You obviously need some bereavement leave.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    Ward said:

    Cry havoc!

    and let slip the dogs of war! :P
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    It will be available at about 5pm in my country , and I only arrive from work at 10pm ! Our quest is vaaain
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    Kazhang said:

    I'm HONESTLY tempted to call in sick today, because I adore BG that much...and it's only a 5 hour shift.

    If you're sure you won't get fired for it, and you don't absolutely need the 5 hours of pay, I'd say GO FOR IT :) . Then again I'm unemployed and partially disabled and would pick gaming over work any day, unless that work is working on a game I love (which I've been lucky enough to do in the past).

  • KazhangKazhang Member Posts: 11
    RavenX said:

    Kazhang said:

    I'm HONESTLY tempted to call in sick today, because I adore BG that much...and it's only a 5 hour shift.

    If you're sure you won't get fired for it, and you don't absolutely need the 5 hours of pay, I'd say GO FOR IT :) . Then again I'm unemployed and partially disabled and would pick gaming over work any day, unless that work is working on a game I love (which I've been lucky enough to do in the past).

    Gf's disabled (Government help) so I don't have to worry about rent/bills, just groceries, so I could probably live without this shift. + I hate bussing home at like 10pm, it's a big pain in the ass.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Can we play now?

    How about now?

    How about now?

    How about now?

    How about now?

    How about now?

  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    meh, in the uk we wont have it till 8pm.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    "Heya, it's me, timezone differences"
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    Mungri said:

    meh, in the uk we wont have it till 8pm.

    Yeah, me too, but at least it's better than the early hours of the morning.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    I get it at 1pm :P
  • ParaneParane Member Posts: 14
    I'm sure there are other things you can do until 3pm. In the UK we have to wait until 8pm until it's available for playing. Slightly unfair and I have spent some time maiming kittens but that was only fun for so long..
  • KazhangKazhang Member Posts: 11
    Parane said:

    I'm sure there are other things you can do until 3pm. In the UK we have to wait until 8pm until it's available for playing. Slightly unfair and I have spent some time maiming kittens but that was only fun for so long..

    It's not "Do something till 3" that bothers me. It's... "I get it at 3, but I have to be out the door at 3 to go to work, to come home from a small shift, to sleep, to go back to work tomorrow to do a long shift" and won't be able to play till like 10pm tomorrow :P I was already excited for today after it was delayed.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    (absolutely required all-caps)

    @MERLANCE, I profess my undying love to you xD
  • Eddie_KaspbrakEddie_Kaspbrak Member Posts: 29
    Bitches be crazy
  • TurelusTurelus Member Posts: 23
    Not out until 8PM my time, been sitting here all day just playing EVE Online to keep my mind off that fact. hehe
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Get a grip
  • KazhangKazhang Member Posts: 11
    Well that worked out. Called work, told me they overbooked and I didn't need to come in anyways. SUCCESS! ALL THE BALDURS GATE TONIGHT!
  • DrakhanValaneDrakhanValane Member Posts: 8
    I've got a voice lesson from noon to one . . . and the game releases at two here. ^_^
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Seriously - no matter what time of day they release, some people are going to be going to work at that time. Others will be going to bed. Others will be just getting off work, and some will have the day off. There is no way to please everybody - that's my point. A million threads won't change that basic fact.

    I'll be sitting at work when it comes out. Such is life.
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    What's so hard about 24 different releases? I mean common! You've got to keep the crowd happy!
  • Jared4242Jared4242 Member Posts: 130
    I've got school, I should be home exactly 10 minutes before launch (if my bus driver is late, I may go mad O.o)
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Kazhang said:

    Well that worked out. Called work, told me they overbooked and I didn't need to come in anyways. SUCCESS! ALL THE BALDURS GATE TONIGHT!

    Now you still hate Baldur's Gate?

  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Just make a phonecall to your work and tell them that you have died and can't come to work today. It works!
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