XP and GP penalties not applying

I have a custom module with the default OnPlayerRespawn script "nw_o0_respawn" but no penalties are being applied upon respawn. The lexicon says that "nw_o0_respawn" is the appropriate script to apply these penalties and looking over the script it looks like it should be applying the penalties. What am I missing?
If you want it to always apply whenever the PC respawns just add 'ApplyPenalty(oRespawner);' after the first RemoveEffects call, like this:
void main() { object oRespawner = GetLastRespawnButtonPresser(); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectResurrection(),oRespawner); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(oRespawner)), oRespawner); RemoveEffects(oRespawner); ApplyPenalty(oRespawner); //* Return PC to temple