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Total Size?

I had to exit the pre-loader before it was done (it was at about 80% and had been there for a long time). When I restarted it this morning it immediately said "preload complete." I'm worried something is screwy. Can anyone tell me the size of all the files on your computer? Mine says 1.77 gigabyes, and I just want to make sure its the same for everyone else. (this is the PC version btw)


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    1.77 GB (1,905,856,966 bytes)
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    1.3go at first and then 0,5go yesterday = 1.8 +/-
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    It tells me 1,8 GB
  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    edited November 2012
    I could be mistaken, but I think deleting 766.beam and 766.status forces a recheck. The launcher will check files, and resume download if required. It's more reliable than checking the number of files or filesize.
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