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A Most Important Question for those in N. America!

So as we're counting down, what's for lunch???
Or if your on the Hobbit plan, 2nd breakfast and luncheon...

Me, I'm having a homemade Reuben on some freshly made bread, and some very nice chips.


  • topymacijietopymacijie Member Posts: 30
    Dorm food man, dorm food. Always dorm food.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    People outside of N. America don't eat lunch so I'm glad you qualified it.
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    InB4 Medulla's obligatory bacon post. =)

    Probably something from Wal-Mart, since I have to go there anyway to fill a prescription. =/
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2012
    Ascerion said:

    InB4 Medulla's obligatory bacon post. =)

    Probably something from Wal-Mart, since I have to go there anyway to fill a prescription. =/

    May your wait in line be brief, and the germs flee before you. ;)
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @ajwz ?
  • doppleganger95doppleganger95 Member Posts: 27
    You forgot elevenses for those of us on the Hobbit plan. I am off to luncheon now (Thai food leftovers from last night) and looking forward to launching the game during afternoon tea.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    just had a chicken sandwhich with american cheese and jalepenos :D
  • hummer010hummer010 Member Posts: 95
    Leftover supper from last night (chicken stirfry). Then I'll probably stroll down to the corner store, and grab a coke and some chips, just in time for the 1:00 release. I'm at work, but I'll probably roll my player, and maybe play the candlekeep stuff.
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