Prevent game from ending when charname dies?

in BG:EE Mods
Is there a mod for this? It seems to me that as long as the rest of the party survives and can raise you, the game shouldn't end, ala IWD. I suppose with the dialogues and story line there might be issues but I thought I'd ask.
Yes, there is an NPC/party member which violates this rule. But still, that was the story logic behind it.
Gameplay wise I suspect there might be dialogue issues with a dead charname.
The major technical hurdle to letting the PC be dead is cutscenes. Every cutscene has an actor running it and it's almost always the PC since you can count on him/her being alive. A dead PC would mean a lot of hanging cutscenes and forced restarts. While not game-ending, you'd also end up with a lot of broken dialogues and scripting since they also take for granted that the PC is alive.