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New Party Challenge: Kevin of Candlekeep

ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
edited November 2018 in Challenges and Playthroughs
So I wanted to do another New Party Challenge (see that board for the rules and my modset. If I get any more mods I will edit this original post.

Name: Kevin of Candlekeep

Difficulty Level: Core Rules

1. BG1 NPC Project (With Music)
2. BG1 Unfinished Business
3. BG1 Quests and Encounters
4. CD Portraits
5. Tweaks Anthology
6. Isra
7. Xan Friendship

1. Ajantis
2. Alternatives
3. Angelo
4. Auren
5. Banter Packs
6. CD Portraits
7. Tweaks Anthology
8. G3 Anniversary Mod
9. IEP Banters
10. Imoen Friendship
11. Isra
12. Keto
13. NPC Strongholds
14. Quest Pack
15. Reunion
16. Sarah
17. Sarevok Friendship
18. Tiax
19. Unfinished Business
20. Xan

I won't be using all these mods, but those are the ones I have

Greetings all would read this,

My name is Kevin and I am but a simple jester from the courts of Candlekeep. I haven't hit it big yet but I think with some time I can share my musical talents with the world...and perhaps a few other talents as well. Alas, all that I have to look forward to now are chores. Go figure. Today however my foster father Gorion led me away from said chores to Winthrop's Tavern, it would seem he has some sort of journey planned. Perhaps I will get to see the world I have so dreamed of, but I worry over Gorion's tone. Something does not seem right, I will continue to record events as they transpire.
Post edited by ZaramMaldovar on


  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    AN: Okay the Jester Song is broken...I think I'm going to enjoy this playthrough. I've never had such an easy time with Tarnesh. I haven't made it very far in the game yet but there will be more updates soon.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited November 2018

    It would seem that I would indeed be in some form of danger. While searching for poor confused Phyldia's lost book (it's probably in the hay again) I was beset by some inexperienced brigand with a dagger. I dispatched him quickly to say the least. If this is the most that danger has to offer, then I laugh in the face of death.

    It would seem that a spoke too soon. No sooner had Gorion and I left Candlekeep than we foudn ourselves beset by a towering foe and his minions. I hid as best I could while Gorion dispatched many of the monster's allies but was himself cut down with brutal force. I know that I must make my way to the Friendly Arm on my own but I am grateful for Imoen's company, however tiresome she can be at times. I shall make a ballad one day in your honor, Gorion. You will be missed

    It would seem that we are the not the only souls on the Sword Coast to face those who wish to harm others for their own gain. After picking up Jaheria and Khalid at the Friendly Arm, I gained two more companions in Beregost. Neera: A half-elf wild mage who seems to be on the run from what appear to be low-ranking members of the Red Wizards of Thay and Garrick: A fellow Bard who chose his employer very poorly. I see no harm in these two traveling with me for a time, at least until we reach somewhere that will be safer for them. Perhaps I can learn a thing or do from my fellow artist, and perhaps something will come of Imoen's infatuation, though I do wish she would not ignore my own skill. (Am I not a real bard? Your words cut deep, my childhood friend)

    AN: I don't know why those pics came out in the wrong order, I'll try to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309

    I escorted Neera to Nashkel where she should be able to safely travel to Athkatla. When I arrived in Nashkel, I was approached by a shrewd gnome by the name of Quayle who insisted on traveling with my party for a time. I see no harm in this, but if his....attitude persists than he shall be gone within a day.

    More assassins! It would seem that someone is actively seeking out my demise. While we dispatched of this one quickly I am now beginning to become concerned for the safety of my group, however with Jaheria and Khalid's help I believe that we should be able to rout any threat that comes our way, though perhaps not for long.

    AN: Fighting Greywolf is always difficult, but I had no idea he could do that much damage.

    Upon Jaheria's request, I've decided to investigate the Nashkel Mines. While searching the area I discovered the renowed sculptor Prism being beset by a bounty hunter named Greywolf. While we managed to aid him in completing his masterpiece with the aid of a Sunite Paladin named Isra, Prism tragically died of exhaustion and that Quayle fellow found himself on the wrong end of his powerful sword. Isra offered to join us in investigating the mines and I gladly accepted her offer. Perhaps I shall find a story worth writing within these dark and terrifying halls.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    AN: I'm sorry I haven't update lately. I'm still playing this character (I've currently gotten to Chapter 5) but have forgotten on numerous occasions to post updates. I will do so when I have the time, in which case you'll be getting a lot of material all at once.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007

    I escorted Neera to Nashkel where she should be able to safely travel to Athkatla. When I arrived in Nashkel, I was approached by a shrewd gnome by the name of Quayle who insisted on traveling with my party for a time. I see no harm in this, but if his....attitude persists than he shall be gone within a day.

    More assassins! It would seem that someone is actively seeking out my demise. While we dispatched of this one quickly I am now beginning to become concerned for the safety of my group, however with Jaheria and Khalid's help I believe that we should be able to rout any threat that comes our way, though perhaps not for long.

    AN: Fighting Greywolf is always difficult, but I had no idea he could do that much damage.

    Upon Jaheria's request, I've decided to investigate the Nashkel Mines. While searching the area I discovered the renowed sculptor Prism being beset by a bounty hunter named Greywolf. While we managed to aid him in completing his masterpiece with the aid of a Sunite Paladin named Isra, Prism tragically died of exhaustion and that Quayle fellow found himself on the wrong end of his powerful sword. Isra offered to join us in investigating the mines and I gladly accepted her offer. Perhaps I shall find a story worth writing within these dark and terrifying halls.

    38 damage from greywolf on a critical hit? that is how little he does on insane, when he critical hits on insane, do things get.... insane :)
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    I'd imagine, I just wasn't expecting it.

    I never play above Core Rules though, I've tried Hard and I can't handle it.

    Still doesn't compare to Level 5 Dorn doing 50-60 damage and becoming a one man army against the never ending horde of Ankhegs that one must travel through in order to get to Baldur's Gate.

    And that's with just his base 19 strength and Rancor! You give him The World's Edge and a strength potion? Any enemy in the game is mince meat! Which is good because while Dorn is great at DPS, he can't actually take that much damage.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007

    I'd imagine, I just wasn't expecting it.

    I never play above Core Rules though, I've tried Hard and I can't handle it.

    Still doesn't compare to Level 5 Dorn doing 50-60 damage and becoming a one man army against the never ending horde of Ankhegs that one must travel through in order to get to Baldur's Gate.

    And that's with just his base 19 strength and Rancor! You give him The World's Edge and a strength potion? Any enemy in the game is mince meat! Which is good because while Dorn is great at DPS, he can't actually take that much damage.

    dealing 50-60 damage? is there some sort of mod making him do more? im just thinkin in my head here and im calculating up to 21 damage a hit with dorn when you first get him, or am i missing something?
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Nope, this is without any special mods that add anything other than content. And this is Level 5 or more on a critical hit, not a regular hit when you first meet him. A critical hit, just to clarify. He's still doing 25 max if he's lucky on a regular hit.
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