Cooking something with the EE (Builders Journal)

Weird title, sorry about that. I'm making something with the EE. I'm not sure what it is to be called just yet, but the silly thread name will surely change when I do know. I've made a return to NWN1 quite recently, having been following the EE with great interest since it was announced. Watched the weekly streams, cast my eye over the trello to see whats occuring.
Short boring part; I have been modding with the NWN series of games from pretty much the beginning. 7-8 years building and operating a PW some may remember called MERP UK/Untold Tales of Tolkien. I followed this up with a little known single player spin-off module called The Indanthrine Prince. I then hopped over to NWN2 to remake said module for that game and then built and released a sequel called The Umbral Abyss. There is a third and final part to do, but burnout (with the ME setting) and a deep desire to return to NWN1 have put that project on a sort of part-ice status. I've had various ideas for something new ever since the EE was released, but nothing really got past the brainstorming stage, until recently...
I'm working on a module for single player which will be set in a location of my own creation, but remaining attached in many ways to the lore of FR. Basically I want to make an adventure using the tools in the box (and the boxes of talented modelers) - no chopping/changing the rules as I have been forced to on previous projects. I have typically made action adventure modules guided by a central story. I like tactical combat and challenging players, just about as much as I like compelling story and intrigue. It's a somewhat healthy balance.
I have the broad strokes of a story on paper. It will be a relatively short story, as I'm dipping my toes back in the water here. If I'm happy and players are happy too, perhaps it will lead to more stuff.
The module is a beginning, so it will kick off right at 1st level and probably take you up a few levels beyond that. I love the dangers and thought that has to go into the early levels - if the module is done right. The world feels bigger and much more scary, so I want to play with that experience some and make it just as memorable as the dizzy heights of power.
I'm currently reading and watching a lot of stuff where people discuss aspects of modules that hook them in early, as well as low-level game experiences that they found memorable. I do have my own plans, but I am happy to hear anything that would help me inform my choices better. Do share here!
At the moment I have a few areas put together - and looking gorgeous - thanks to the talented modders who contributed to projectQ. Traditionally I've been a patron of CEP, but I found Q to be much more concise. There's less content, but it's all first rate and stuff that I'm very likely to use on a regular basis. Love it. There's a good first hours worth of introduction, conversation and action. In fact, depending on your actions, there is action within the first 2 minutes! Which leads me to another thing I've been pondering which I'd love to hear from you about... Starting a module - how do you prefer to be "broken in" to a game? Action off the bat? Is your background important? Do share.
I'm currently stringing the events of the first part of the module together. I'd like to share images and more very soon depending how I progress. Steamrolling at the moment, so that's a good sign!
So this is my attempt at a builders journal for this as yet unnamed module for NWN:EE. I will keep it updated with progress and thoughts. Don't hesitate to share yours! Thank you for indulging me!
On a final note, I am loving the promise the EE brings. I didn't need much convincing to shell out my £20. Based on what I've seen, it is proving to be more of an investment than a one-off gain. Well, that's how I'm approaching it, anyway. Feel free to point and laugh at me if I'm proven wrong later on... But seriously, it's a joy to see this game being supported and looked after again. Let's get building stuff. Build it and they will come.
Short boring part; I have been modding with the NWN series of games from pretty much the beginning. 7-8 years building and operating a PW some may remember called MERP UK/Untold Tales of Tolkien. I followed this up with a little known single player spin-off module called The Indanthrine Prince. I then hopped over to NWN2 to remake said module for that game and then built and released a sequel called The Umbral Abyss. There is a third and final part to do, but burnout (with the ME setting) and a deep desire to return to NWN1 have put that project on a sort of part-ice status. I've had various ideas for something new ever since the EE was released, but nothing really got past the brainstorming stage, until recently...
I'm working on a module for single player which will be set in a location of my own creation, but remaining attached in many ways to the lore of FR. Basically I want to make an adventure using the tools in the box (and the boxes of talented modelers) - no chopping/changing the rules as I have been forced to on previous projects. I have typically made action adventure modules guided by a central story. I like tactical combat and challenging players, just about as much as I like compelling story and intrigue. It's a somewhat healthy balance.
I have the broad strokes of a story on paper. It will be a relatively short story, as I'm dipping my toes back in the water here. If I'm happy and players are happy too, perhaps it will lead to more stuff.
The module is a beginning, so it will kick off right at 1st level and probably take you up a few levels beyond that. I love the dangers and thought that has to go into the early levels - if the module is done right. The world feels bigger and much more scary, so I want to play with that experience some and make it just as memorable as the dizzy heights of power.
I'm currently reading and watching a lot of stuff where people discuss aspects of modules that hook them in early, as well as low-level game experiences that they found memorable. I do have my own plans, but I am happy to hear anything that would help me inform my choices better. Do share here!
At the moment I have a few areas put together - and looking gorgeous - thanks to the talented modders who contributed to projectQ. Traditionally I've been a patron of CEP, but I found Q to be much more concise. There's less content, but it's all first rate and stuff that I'm very likely to use on a regular basis. Love it. There's a good first hours worth of introduction, conversation and action. In fact, depending on your actions, there is action within the first 2 minutes! Which leads me to another thing I've been pondering which I'd love to hear from you about... Starting a module - how do you prefer to be "broken in" to a game? Action off the bat? Is your background important? Do share.
I'm currently stringing the events of the first part of the module together. I'd like to share images and more very soon depending how I progress. Steamrolling at the moment, so that's a good sign!
So this is my attempt at a builders journal for this as yet unnamed module for NWN:EE. I will keep it updated with progress and thoughts. Don't hesitate to share yours! Thank you for indulging me!
On a final note, I am loving the promise the EE brings. I didn't need much convincing to shell out my £20. Based on what I've seen, it is proving to be more of an investment than a one-off gain. Well, that's how I'm approaching it, anyway. Feel free to point and laugh at me if I'm proven wrong later on... But seriously, it's a joy to see this game being supported and looked after again. Let's get building stuff. Build it and they will come.
Loving ProjectQ! I think just about all of my exterior areas for this small module will be using the "Castle Exterior, Rural" tileset as there is so much versatility built into it. I've made a few areas with it and barely scratched the surface of what can be done. I was looking at adding a swamp tileset hak, but looking at the tile groups available, I'll be sticking with what I have.
The module centers on a new town being built in this "homebrew" D&D setting. You character begins the game as a courier, so the travel and comings and goings of this job will allow the gameworld to be introduced naturally, rather than forced down your throat which I know can be a turn off with some custom settings. You certainly won't be doing fetch and carry the whole time! The real adventure kicks in quickly once a few things are established. I had a look around for tiles that might serve as building sites, but there really wasn't all that much to choose from, so I made use of the scaffold placeables. Not perfect, but serviceable. There's also a pair of construction Golems at work!
The town is being filled with various people who can gently provide the player with light lore on whats going on. There are conversations that can be overheard, important NPCs who you can have a light chat with and also a crier who is providing news on various goings on. It's all very softly, softly. The player can learn as much as they care to. I have two companions planned for the module; A Half Orc called Dalgum Crawler, serving in the rag-tag defense of this bold new settlement and Danellia Windstar, an Elf hedge wizard, serving as the towns magical goods and services merchant. You can meet and speak to them before events bring you together, if you wish. Both of these characters have some connection to the primary story.
I'm currently working on the start of the main story with the help of Gestalt's Cutscene Scripting system. This is such a cool resource. I enjoyed creating cinematic scenes in NWN2 and always wished it was easier for NWN. I've picked up the basics of the system already. Hopefully the module will truly begin in an explosive way!
There's more I could share, but I'll try and drip feed my progress rather than unloading everything at once. I have made a couple of streams of my dabblings in the toolset, for anyone who might be interested:
Thanks for checking up on my stuff. Looking forward to sharing more soon.