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Question about Drizzt

I havent played b1, finished bg2 a few times

question is: if i kill drizzt in bg1 to get the items, will he appear in bg2 anyway? is it possible to keep his items through import?


  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Yes, and he'll be pissed.

    And no, you don't get to keep his items.
  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    He still appears in the squeal if you kill him, and he remembers you. You get some different dialogue but I think that's about it.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    I was sure this was going to be about his sexual orientation. Hooray!
  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    I think it's really stupid that the game takes his items from you. I never actually use them anyways, better shit I have yes I do! It's more of a personal collection of memories from that God awful fight in BG1 trying to take him down.
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    Do his weapons still sort under the long sword prof. as in BG1 or are they scimitars now with the BG2 engine?
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Macona said:

    He still appears in the squeal

    I lol'd

  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012

    If you kill Drizzt in BG1, then import that save game to BG2, there is dialogue for that. Drizzt will remember you as the person who "left him for dead" and "stole his equipment" or something like that. He then says it took him a while to find all his equipment. He gives you the opportunity to apologize, or you can ... well attack him again. This time he has help and is not in an area to exploit though.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    salieri said:

    I was sure this was going to be about his sexual orientation. Hooray!

  • SmallishSmallish Member Posts: 10
    If you tell him that Tiax rules all, he'll simply give you his stuff : >
  • DemiGothDemiGoth Member Posts: 44
    F23 said:

    I havent played b1, finished bg2 a few times

    question is: if i kill drizzt in bg1 to get the items, will he appear in bg2 anyway? is it possible to keep his items through import?

    Other Q on Drittz... Can we still pick-pocket him..?
  • crawlkillcrawlkill Member Posts: 71
    I think even using an unimported character in BG2 you can tell him "er, yes, we did meet, and I murdered you."
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited December 2012

    If you kill Drizzt in BG1, then import that save game to BG2, there is dialogue for that. Drizzt will remember you as the person who "left him for dead" and "stole his equipment" or something like that. He then says it took him a while to find all his equipment. He gives you the opportunity to apologize, or you can ... well attack him again. This time he has help and is not in an area to exploit though.
    Of course, by then your party will be more than capable of handling him (provided you don't lose one of your main fighters because she doesn't want to fight him, thanks a lot, Jaheira! If there were other Neutral or Evil fighters in Athkatla, you'd be so fired. :)
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    shawne said:

    If you kill Drizzt in BG1, then import that save game to BG2, there is dialogue for that. Drizzt will remember you as the person who "left him for dead" and "stole his equipment" or something like that. He then says it took him a while to find all his equipment. He gives you the opportunity to apologize, or you can ... well attack him again. This time he has help and is not in an area to exploit though.
    Of course, by then your party will be more than capable of handling him (provided you don't lose one of your main fighters because she doesn't want to fight him, thanks a lot, Jaheira! If there were other Neutral or Evil fighters in Athkatla, you'd be so fired. :)
    Korgan is an evil fighter. And if you miss her healing, Viconia is an option.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    toanwrath said:

    Korgan is an evil fighter. And if you miss her healing, Viconia is an option.

    True, but I was running an all-female party. :) In fact, it was indeed Viconia who ended up saving the day, at the cost of many, many health potions...
  • rabidboochrabidbooch Member Posts: 15
    raelcari said:

    Do his weapons still sort under the long sword prof. as in BG1 or are they scimitars now with the BG2 engine?

    in bg ee they count as scimitars

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